UBUNTU SETUP TUTORIAL - (Followed on Ubuntu 23.10)
Terminal 1
Create a Virtual Environment
--> python3 -m venv env
Start the Virtual Environment
--> source ./env/bin/activate
Install the reqirements
--> pip install -r requirements.txt
Initialize Basic data
--> python3 initial_data_db_create.py
Start the app
--> python3 app.py
Terminal 2 Start MailHog
--> sudo apt-get -y install golang-go
--> go get github.com/mailhog/MailHog
--> ~/go/bin/MailHog
Terminal 3
Start Redis Server
--> redis-server --port 6380 --slaveof 6379
(To check cache keys install redis cli from redis website and use redis.cli to coonect to server and KEYS * to check the keys)
Terminal 4
Start Celery Worker
--> source ./env/bin/activate
--> celery -A app.celery_app worker --loglevel=info
Terminal 5
--> source ./env/bin/activate
--> celery -A app.celery_app beat --loglevel=info -l debug --max-interval 5
To call worker instantly
celery -A app.celery_app call app.monthly_email
celery -A app.celery_app call app.daily_reminder