Hi, I'm a 21 y/o girl from the West Coast who programs mostly as a hobby. IRL I am an allied health professional. I primarily code in Python and do a lot of work with databases. I enjoy building Discord bots. On nationstates.net I am a Technical Moderator.
- 🎶 I'm currently listening to Avril Lavigne
- 😄 Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
- I am a lead maintainer on Spyglass, a R/D utility for finding regional update times
- Bloo, a Discord bot to provide verification services for NS discord servers
- NSLib, a cool little library that I built mostly for myself because I wanted to learn library design
Anything I write and publish on here that relates to nationstates.net is not to be considered automatically approved by the moderation team and 100% guaranteed to be safe to use.