A boilerplate on Cocos-JS, A short one with only the folder architecture, config files. Copy the whole framework folder and you are good to go, either run / compile.
Blur Image on Android Browser. doc is here, code is here.
Some small twists are needed if the project cann't run after rsync
have overwirtten the class cc.LoaderScene
, and after resource pre-loading, run the HelloScene
which is located in src/views/hello.scene.js
It is a good idea to create a small scene to loading the resources and then show the click to play
Don't forget to refer the js files in the jsList
field in project.json
in the root directory.
Some useful snippets on using vanilla Cocos-2s-X-JS are located in snippets
File naming Convention: lower case with hyphen delimiter, with type indication before extensions.
Writing the simple & eazy layer implementation in
in simple scene -
change the golbal config properly before run into the next scene
MVC,scene controll the game logic, set the variables and invoke the view effects on the layer, so the layer becomes the VIEW in MVC~
Wechat Size, support the window in wechat, the size should be 1080*1740
Audio, music ->
, effects ->*.mp3
, 44100KHz, >= 92Kb, Monophony -
Random, check file
Modules , check the
in directoryframeworks/cocos2d-html5
and modify theproject.json
in the root folder.
./syncf: for rsync
ing files with the project folder in the initial phase.
# some basic folder architecture and useful files
# need to be initialized.
# using the command to copy all the initialize them
# only one parameter, the project folder
Simple shell scripts are listed here. Be careful when publish with --advanced
for the not-so-smart Uglyfing process in Closure Compiler.
And to be honest to throw a TLNR article.
# create a new project with cocos js
cocos new -l js -p com.akat.game [PROJECT DIR]
# running the game in development
cocos run -p web -q --port 8321
# publish in web
cocos run -p web -q -m release [--advanced]