- a basic file system operator
- for basic operations like: delete, create, copy and move files or folders
- delete files or folders
- make folders or nested directories
- move folders or files
- rename folders or files
- copy folders or files
- you can use the
file to execute the project
java -jar app.jar operation
: list all files of the given folder
java -jar app.jar -ls .\src\
: list the entries of a compressed file
java -jar app.jar -le file.zip
: read file lines of the given file
java -jar app.jar -rl README.md
: to search in the given path by:- only use to search in folders, it doesn't work with files
- extension:
-e ".java"
java -jar app.jar -ff .\bin\ -e ".class"
- name:
-n "textutils"
java -jar app.jar -ff .\bin\ -n "textutils"
: search for a word in the given file path by:
: ignore case-s
: smart ignore case
java -jar app.jar -fl .\src\Main.jar -s "args"
: create a folder
java -jar app.jar -md folder_name
- to create folders with: ","
java -jar app.jar -md folder1, directory2, ...n
: create a file
java -jar app.jar -ni main.py
- supports creation using: ","
java -jar app.jar -ni main.py, main.java
: start or open
java -jar app.jar -st .\bin\
: move the content of source to target
java -jar app.jar -mv .\source to .\target
- to move directories with : ","
java -jar app.jar -mv source1, source2 to target
: move files
java -jar app.jar -mf source/* to target
-supports move from more than 1 source to 1 target
-mf surce1/* source2/* to target
: rename the folder
java -jar app.jar -rn oldName to newName
- it's the same as move but this creates the new name folder in run time and deletes the old directory
: copy a source folder into target directory
java -jar app.jar -cp source to target
: to copy files with:*
java -jar app.jar -cf source/* to target
- supports copy from 1 source to more than 1 target
-cf source/* to target1, target2
- supports copy from more than 1 source to 1 or more targets
-cf source1/* source2/* to target1, target2
- to copy folders with: ","
java -jar app.jar -cp source1, source2 to target
- supports copy from 1 source to more than 1 target
-cp source to target1, target2
- also supports copy form more than 1 source to more than 1 target
-cp source1, source2 to target1, target2
: used when you need to replace existing resources of the target.
java -jar -cp .\src\App.java to .\example\ --r
: used when you need to copy and the source files or directories don't exists in the target.
java -jar -cp .\src\App.java to .\example\ --c
: also is the default option.
: delete a folder and the content inside
- you need to give consent:
-dd test_file --y
- to delete with: ","
-dd test1, test2 --y
: delete files
- you need to give consent:
-df test_file.c --y
- to delete a file with: ","
-df test1.c, test2.c --y
: compress the element of the given path
java -jar app.jar -cm .\bin\
- if you want to control the elements to include in the zip use:
java -jar app.jar -cm .\localPath -i "src, bin, .jar
: de-compress the elements of the compressed file
java -jar app.jar -dc .\compressedFile.zip
- this project is for educational purposes
- it is not intended to create a fully functional program
- security issues are not taken into account