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Preview the starter template on Netlify.

To use this package:
  1. Fork from Github.
  2. Clone onto your local machine.
  3. If using as a starter for new projects, remember to remove the git remote, using git remote remove [git-remote-name].

How to use

  • npm run dev - starts a dev server on http://localhost:8080/ and watches for file changes.
  • All changes should happen in the src/ folder. Changes in dist or temp will be overwritten!
  • If you want to automatically open the browser add the --open flag in package.json to the dev script.
  • Script should look like this:
parcel src/**/*.html --no-cache --port 8080 --out-dir tmp --open
  • Please see the Parcel docs for more info on flags to use in the dev and build script.

  • npm run build - build and minifies files into the dist folder, parcel will create this folder by itself, you do not need to create it before running the script.

  1. Parcel ("^2.0.0-nightly.850").
  • Parcel website documentation is out of date. Please refer to the npm repo for Parcel v2. Parcel
  • Another issue I encountered was scss errors, Parcel does nt=ot auto restart after clearing the error.

Dev Dependencies

devDependencies": {
    "@parcel/transformer-sass": "^2.0.0-nightly.850"
  • devDependencies get installed automatically by Parcel.

Why I created this package
  • This package was created as a personal starter to practice Sass and setting up a task runner. I settled on Parcel as it was easy to set up and made sense for my workflow.
  • I also wanted a way to swop out Google font pairings without replacing an entire @import url every time I wanted to see a new font pairing, in my wn project.
  • It's different to see a font pairing recommendation on a design website where everything is perfect. I wanted to see these fonts "in the wild".
  • Some Recommendations for font pairing suggestions:
  1. Fontpair
  2. Reliable
  3. PageCloud One of my Favorites (Gives recommendations on weights and style).
  4. Typewolf
  5. Fontjoy Another one f my favorites (lets you generate 100's of pairings).

  1. Project layout
  2. Partials and Google Fonts
  3. The typo file 3.1 Typo Variables 3.2 The fonts file
  4. The Colors file
  5. The javascript file

#Project layout

  • Outside the src/ folder there is a .sassrc file (this was recommended in the parcel documentation.
  • .sassrc:
  "includePaths": ["node_modules"]
  |  |_(empty)
  |  |__ "main.js"
    |     |_ "_colors.scss"
    |     |_ "_font-imports.scss"
    |     |_ "_fonts.scss"
    |     |_ "_mixins.scss"
    |     |_ "_reset.scss"
    |     |_ "_typo.scss"
    |     |_ "_buttons.scss" (currently empty)
    |     |_ "_footer.scss"
    |     |_ "_navbar.scss"
    |     |_ "_container.scss"
    |     |_ "_index.scss"
    |     |_ "mobile.scss" (this is called in any .html file after the main.scss!)
      |_ (empty)
  • .scss files can be referenced directly in index.html Parcel together with Dart-sass will compile this to css and reference the compiled css in the tmp/ or dist/ folder.
  • Other .html pages can also be created in the src/ folder.


  • In the project there is a _fonts.scss and _colors.scss. These contain the main sass:maps for this project starter.
  • Google fonts are stored in .scss variables in the _font-import.scss file.
  • The google font pairs are only referenced when calling a font pair in the _typo.scss file.

#Typo scss

  • In _typo.scss a font pair can be selected, the font pair includes a Heading font and a body font.
  • Change the var in $font-theme: (1-12); to select a different font pairing.
  • Each heading(h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6) css selector is generated with the following:
h1 {
  font-family: value;
    font-weight: value;
    font-style: value;
    font-size: value;
    letter-spacing: value;

h2 {
} etc
  • letter-spacing is determined by a letter-spacing map and modifier related to each font (currently only headings).

#Typo variables

  • In the _typo.scss file, background-color, font-color and heading-color can be set.
  • Colors are referenced from _colors.scss.

#Fonts scss

  • Each font pair has an associated map with the following:
  import1: fi.$playfair-display, /* - import from Google Fonts */
  import2: fi.$raleway, /* - import from Google Fonts */
  heading: $playfair-display, /* - Heading font family */
  heading-ls: 200, /* - Heading letter spacing modifier */
  h-w: 'regular', /* - Heading font weight (references the weight map in __fonts.scss) */
  h-s: $font-style, /* - Heading font style(can be any other css font style) */
  body:$raleway, /* - Body font family */
  body-weight: 'regular', /* - Body font weight (references the weight map in __fonts.scss) */
  b-s: $font-style, /* - Body font style(can be any other css font style) */
  • Heading sizes are also mapped in the _fonts.scss file.


  • This file contains color maps for white-gray, blue and overlay colors.
  • Each map has a set of variables assigned to it so that the variable can be referenced and not the map in other .scss modules.
  • Please see the Dart-sass documentation on how to use variables in other files.


  • The only Javascript in this project is to toggle the navbar on small screen sizes and animate the navbar opacity when scrolling.


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