This rtinst modification is for my own use. NO SUPPORT. If you have any issues, please use the original rtinst.
bash <(curl -Ls
bash -c "$(wget --no-check-certificate -qO-"
rtinst -$options -v $rtorrentVERSION -u $USERNAME -p $PASSWORD -w $WEBPASSWORD
rtinst -tfylmi -v 0.9.4 -u aniverse -p kinots74212 -w rutmypa44
Do NOT change SSH port-f
Set FTP port to 21-y
Force yes to all the questions-l
Enable logging to ~/rtinst.log-m
Install the latest master build of rutorrent-i
Enable IPv6 for rTorrent and libtorrent-rakshasa-u
Name the user to be primary rtorrent user-p
Set the unix password-w
Set the web password for the user-v
Set the rTorrent version you would like to be installed
New options
opinion to enable IPv6 support
opinion to set FTP port to 21
opinion to keep the old SSH port
opinion to select the rtorrent version to be installed -
ruTorrent plugins and themes
Install club-QuickBox theme
Install MaterialDesign theme
Install Filemanager plugin
Install Fileshare plugin
Install Mediastream plugin
Install sox for ruTorrent plugin spectrogram
Install python cfscrape module for ruTorrent plugin CloudFlare
Install GeoIP2 plugin instead of GeoIP
Enable m2ts support for screenshots plugin
Set min rss interval to 0.1 minutes -
Install h5ai as file indexer
Install ffmpeg 4.2 from static builds
Install rar, unrar 5.9.0
Tweak rTorrent default settings
Do NOT disable root login
Raised open file limits to 666666
Setup Nginx Reverse Proxy for some apps
This is for inexistence script.
Currently it supports Flood, Deluge, qBittorrent, FlexGet, noVNC when using default webui ports. -
Set SCGIServerTimeout to 60
The original README
The detailed user guide
The detailed installation guide