Public key cryptography is a technique for secure communication using a pair of keys: one public and one private.
- Makefile
- rsa.h
- rsa.c
- randstate.h
- randstate.c
- numtheory.h
- numtheory.c
- keygen.c
- encrypt.c
- decrypt.c
$ make clean
This command will make the repository clean by deleting the object file and executable generated.
$ make format
This command will format C file into clang format.
$ make
This command will just compile other C files and make the executable and object file for keygen.c,encrypt.c and decrypt.c.
$ make
This command will just compile and make the executable and object file for keygen.c,encrypt.c and decrypt.c..
$ ./keygen -flag
flags = b,i,n,d,s,v and h you can pass one or many flags together.
-b {bits} : Minimum bits needed for public key n (default: 256).
-i {iteration} : Miller-Rabin iterations for testing primes (default: 50).
-n {pbfile} : Public key file (default:
-d {pvfile} : Public key file (default: rsa.priv).
-s {seed} :Random seed for testing.
-v {verbose} : Display verbose program output.
-h {help} :Display program help and usage.
$./encrypt -flags
flags = i,o,n,v and h.
-i {infile} : Input file of data to encrypt (default: stdin).
-o {outfile} : Output file for encrypted data (default: stdout).
-n {pbfile} : Public key file (default:
-v {verbose} : Display verbose program output.
-h {help} : Display program help and usage.
$./decrypt -flag
-i {infile} : Input file of data to encrypt (default: stdin).
-o {outfile} : Output file for encrypted data (default: stdout).
-n {pbfile} : Public key file (default: rsa.priv).
-v {verbose} : Display verbose program output.
-h {help} : Display program help and usage.
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