Hello, I'm Joey 👋
resource "github_introduction" "joey" {
name = "Joey Stout"
interests = ["kubernetes", "opentofu", "nodejs", "python", "gitops"]
resume = "https://apollorion.com/joeysResume.pdf"
where_you_can_find_me = [
"mailto:[email protected]",
projects = [
spacelift_modules = [
blog_posts = [
2025-01-06: It's a nice round number that the universe just settled on
2025-01-05: saniderm is gods gift to tattoos
2025-01-02: I had a week and a half vacation and my kids have been sick nearly the whole duration. Hit really hard tonight, my youngest has a 103.5 fever. Poor fella is miserable😔. We've, somehow, gone months without a real bad sickness hitting our house, its like it all came at once and caught us up.
2025-01-01: If I was a teacher at a school I'd probably make every day a movie day.
2025-01-01: I've lost 15lbs over the last 2 weeks. I wasn't trying but it happened and Im good with that. Kinda motivated me to see if I can lose more, this is the least I've weighed since high school.