Release 23.3.0 for Revit 2023
This is the official release of IFC Extension 23.3.0
- Added IFC2x3 Qto sets.
- Added material shared parameters export.
- Added the BarRole attribute when exporting IfcReinforcingBars to IFC.
- Added type entities for rebar and assemblies when exporting to IFC.
- Added support for exporting predefined types when exporting spaces to IFC4+.
- Added support of new measure units.
- Allowed export of rebar with slightly invalid transforms to IFC.
- Implemented exporting user defined parameters of 'Real' type as IfcReal with Revit display values.
- Implemented exporting of IfcRailingType entity.
- Implemented support of all 4 Revit velocity data types on export.
- Improved display of openings when export or linking in IFC files.
- Improved calculation of the linked levels elevation.
- Improved export of IfcPropertyEnumeratedValue.
- Improved export of insulation and lining as anything.
- Improved export of projects to IFC that contained family instances with invalid placements.
- Improved handling entities that don`t have PredefinedType.
- Improved handling of prohibited characters importing IFC file.
- Improved how classifications are viewed in certain older external applications when exporting to IFC.
- Improved linking of IFC files that contained properties with no names.
- Improved linking of IFC files with slightly self-intersecting profile data.
- Improved list/bounded/table user defined properties values export for Instances and Types.
- Improved processing of representation items.
- Improved support for exporting advanced BReps to IFC if the unofficial IFC4 Design Transfer View is used.
- Improved the export of the material layers of some IFC4 files with 0 thickness material layers.
- Improved the export of advanced BReps to the unofficial IFC4 Design Transfer View.
- Improved the behavior for export of elements split by levels.
- Improved user defined property set mapping, especially for IFC2x3 entities that previously had no type entity exported.
- Updated 4x3 enums according to IFC4.3.1.0 Documentation.
Bug Fixes:
- Corrected the value for many MEP parameters exported to IFC.
- Fixed colour for exported pipe fitting.
- Fixed inconsistent IfcMaterialConstituent naming.
- Fixed export of a user-defined structural element type.
- Fixed export of IfcFurnitureType.AssemblyPlace attribute.
- Fixed export of IFC properties associated with the top-level IfcProject entity.
- Fixed export of materials from hosted wall sweep.
- Fixed export of material layer parameters of a ceiling element.
- Fixed export of user defined properties for roofs.
- Fixed export of some assemblies to IFC that resulted in orphaned entities.
- Fixed export of stairs layer name.
- Fixed IfcExportType for ceilings.
- Fixed IFC Classification export.
- Fixed log file creation for linking.
- Fixed processing of IFCPostalAddress with empty AddressLine.
- Fixed the calculation of the height parameter for some railings in metric projects when a previous value had been calculated that wasn't applicable to this railing.
- Fixed the issue when IfcCovering sill's body was exported as Brep instead of SweptSolid.
- Fixed the processing of openings when exporting a wall as shape aspects (components).
- Fixed the slope common property set parameter calculation when exporting some stringers to IFC.
- Fixed Revit Data types export.
- Removed the use of several Revit built-in parameters when exporting IFC properties that have the same name but are different.
A number of improvements and optimizations have been made to the export of properties.
After which type properties are not exported in case they are not specified in the user-defined property sets file.
Since 23.3.0, to export type properties for the IFCElement, for example,
a user should include "IFCElementType" in the proper .txt file.
In the following case only instance properties from "testPset" will be exported
"PropertySet: testPset T IfcElement"
In order for the type properties to be exported, the type entity should be specified IFCElementType as follows:
"PropertySet: testPset T IfcElement, IfcElementType"