Welcome to PicDB! Your anonymous, reliable, and completely free image storage service 🌟. With PicDB, you can:
- 🖼 Upload images up to 60MB per image.
- ♾️ Store unlimited images anonymously.
- 🔗 Get sharable view/download links for easy access.
- 🛠 Manage your uploads through a sleek dashboard.
- 🆓 100% Free Forever: No hidden fees, no limits on the number of uploads.
- 👻 Total Anonymity: We don’t require sign-ups, logins, or any personal details.
- 🚀 High Performance: Powered by Next.js and hosted on Vercel for blazing-fast performance.
- 🔗 Durable Links: Links remain valid as long as the service is available. In case of any significant changes, you’ll be notified.
- 📊 Dashboard: View and manage your uploads with an intuitive interface.
➡️ Visit: picdb.vercel.app
Here’s how you can use PicDB like a pro:
- Go to the homepage.
- Drag & drop or click to select an image file.
- Sit back and relax as it uploads 🖌️.
- After uploading, head over to the dashboard.
- View, manage, or copy sharable links with a single click ⚡.
- Share your unique view/download link with anyone 🤝.
- Your image is just a link away 🌍.
- Next.js: React-based framework for modern web development.
- Vercel: Reliable, high-performance hosting.
- Tailwind CSS: Sleek, responsive design.
- Cloud Storage: Secure and scalable image hosting.
- Link Validity: Your links are valid until service changes or availability ends.
- Notifications: Major service changes will be announced in advance.
- Fair Use: Please avoid malicious or illegal content. Let’s keep PicDB a positive space 💖.
Want to contribute or run PicDB locally? Follow these steps:
- Node.js v16+
- npm or yarn
# Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/AvianInTek/picdb.git
# Navigate to the project directory
cd picdb
# Install dependencies
npm install
# Start the development server
npm run dev
# Open http://localhost:3000 in your browser
We ❤️ contributions! If you’ve got a feature request, bug report, or improvement idea, here’s how to get started:
- Fork this repository.
- Create a feature branch:
git checkout -b feature-name
. - Commit your changes:
git commit -m "Add awesome feature"
. - Push and create a Pull Request 🥳.
- Issues: Found a bug? Raise an Issue.
- Feature Requests: We’re always open to new ideas. Ping us here
- General Queries: Contact us through the support page.
PicDB is open-source and licensed under the GNU License. Feel free to fork, contribute, or build upon it 🚀.
A huge shoutout to all the developers, contributors, and users who make PicDB possible! 🌟