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Axinom DRM PowerShell module

This is a PowerShell module that simplifies working with Axinom DRM.

Platform compatibility

This library is compatible with all platforms supported by PowerShell and PowerShell Core.


The following features are implemented:

  • Commands for easily creating Axinom DRM license tokens (token version 2).


Install-Module Axinom.Drm

Quick start: creating a license token

# Communication keys are only provided to Axinom DRM customers.
# Evaluation access can be provided - contact Axinom for details.
$communicationKeyAsBase64 = "TODO: put base64 form of communication key here"
$communicationKeyId = "TODO: put communication key ID here"

$token = New-LicenseToken

# You can customize any part of the token. Its structure is described by the Axinom DRM documentation.
# As an example, we specify the license validity start and end timestamps here.
$token.license = @{
    start_datetime = (Get-Date).AddMinutes(-5).ToString("o")
    expiration_datetime = (Get-Date).AddHours(1).ToString("o")

# You can can define policies that apply to the usage of keys by client devices.
$permissivePolicy = @{
    name = "Permissive"

    playready = @{
        # Here is an example for how to make the PlayReady DRM configuration maximally permissive.
        # This lets you play content on virtual machines and pre-production devices, for easy testing.
        min_device_security_level = 150
        play_enablers = @(

$token.content_key_usage_policies = @(

# Add a manually specified content key. Use the defined permissive policy.
$token = $token | Add-ContentKey -KeyId "8e413433-1e91-47d4-b548-5abbf4f6564e" -KeyAsBase64 "WMDlg3QKs72fEKsquqnPFg==" -CommunicationKeyAsBase64 $communicationKeyAsBase64 -KeyUsagePolicyName $

# Add a set of content keys from a CPIX document. Use the defined permissive policy.
$token = $token | Add-ContentKeysFromCpix -Path "C:\tmp\threekey.xml" -CommunicationKeyAsBase64 $communicationKeyAsBase64  -KeyUsagePolicyName $

# Generate the final signed form of the license token, suitable for use in a license request.
# The -Verbose flag will also output the license token in its raw form, before signing.
$token | Export-LicenseToken -CommunicationKeyId $communicationKeyId -CommunicationKeyAsBase64 $communicationKeyAsBase64 -Verbose


PowerShell commands for working with Axinom DRM







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