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---- Installation Instruction

All configurations below are overriden by OpsWorks
to provide real auth parameters


Setup Devise and OmniAuth for OAuth2 Authentication to Google
  Create a Google Development Project
    with callback uri:
  Login to
    choose a OAuth 2.0 client IDs and click "Download JSON".
    save the json file to
  Create database table google_access_tokens to store token and refresh_token
  Modify app/models/user.rb
    add to devise :omniauthable, :omniauth_providers => [:google_oauth2]
  Add to config/initializers/devise.rb
    config.omniauth_path_prefix = "/users/auth"
    config.omniauth :google_oauth2, client_id, client_secret
 Modify config/initializers/youtube.rb, add
  Modify confing/routes.rb
    change devise_for :users
    devise_for :users, :controllers => { :omniauth_callbacks => "callbacks" }

  Create controller
    app/controllers/callbacks_controller.rb with method "google_oauth2":
  Create config/initializers/omniauth.rb, add lines below:
  Rails.application.config.middleware.use OmniAuth::Builder do
    provider :google_oauth2, YoutubeConf[:client_id], YoutubeConf[:client_secret],
      :name => "google",
      :scope => YoutubeConf[:scopes],
      :prompt => "select_account",
      :image_aspect_ratio => "square",
      :image_size => 50,
      :access_type => 'offline'
    Clear cache for your default browser and
    get to page http://localhost:3000/users/auth/google_oauth2
    This will store the access token to google_access_tokens table
    Create a cron run every 50 minutes (the token expires in 0 minutes)
    Run GoogleAccessToken.last.refresh_token_if_expired
1. MySQL database govdash_app setup
  There are two methods to set up the database.
  1. Dump database with full contents from radd_production
     database in AWS OpsWorks SocialDashboard stack.
     Use this method if you want to copy all Facebook and Twitter
     accounts data over. To do this, follow the steps below:
     1.1 Dump database, run command
         # replace the variables
         mysqldump -u$db_user -p -h$db_host radd_production > dash.sql
     1.2 Load dash.sql to govdash_app
         # replace the variables
         mysql -u$db_user -p -h$db_host -D$db_name < dash.sql
     1.3 Connect to govdash_app database
         Execute query to create table app_token
         Note: this table is to replace api_tokens
         CREATE TABLE `app_tokens` (
          `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
          `platform` varchar(20) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
          `canvas_url` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
          `api_user_email` varchar(40) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
          `client_id` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
          `client_secret` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
          `user_access_token` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
          `page_access_token` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
          `created_at` datetime DEFAULT NULL,
          `updated_at` datetime DEFAULT NULL,
           PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
          ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci;

     1.4 If you want to get FAcebook InSights data,
         follow the steps below:
         1.4.1 Open Rails Console by command `rails c production`
         1.4.2 Migrate page_access_token from accounts table to
               app_tokens table:
               Copy and paste following code in Rails console:
               FacebookAccount.all.each do |fb|
                 tn = fb.api_tokens[ % 2]
                 if tn.page_access_token
                   email = tn.api_user_email
                   fb.update_attribute :contact,email
                   AppToken.find_or_create_by platform: 'Facebook', 
                     canvas_url: tn.canvas_url,
                     api_user_email: tn.api_user_email,
                     user_access_token: tn.user_access_token,
                     page_access_token: tn.page_access_token
         1.4.3 Update app_tokens set client_id and secret
               Note: find corresponding client_secret from
               facebook.yml and replace '?' with the real values.
               update app_tokens set client_id='1485668908334414', client_secret='?' where api_user_email='[email protected]';
               update app_tokens set client_id='518623351606222', client_secret='?' where api_user_email='[email protected]';
               update app_tokens set api_user_email='[email protected]',client_id='?', client_secret='?' where canvas_url='';
         1.4.4 Optional remove columns from accounts table, after 
               testing the Facebook account retrieve functions 
               ALTER TABLE accounts DROP COLUMN user_access_token;
               ALTER TABLE accounts DROP COLUMN page_access_token;
               DROP TABLE api_tokens;
  2. Use db/schema.rb in this project
     2.1 In Rail Root, run
         rake db:schema:load

3. If you want to get Facebook InSights data and require page_access_token
   for accounts not covered in item 1.4
   Go to page <govdash-loadbalancer>/facebooks/index
   and follow the instrunctions there.

2. Create custom cookbook and host in****/cookbooks.git
   Strucure of cookbooks:
     apache2/attributes/customize.rb  #=> override Apache conf parameters
     passenger_apache2/attributes/customize.rb #=> override Passenger parameters
     rails/attributes/customize.rb #=> override database connection pool size
     rails/recipes/myconfigure.rb #=> create conf files in shared/config/
     rails/templates/default/ #=> templates for all required config files
3. Add custom cookbook to OpsWorks stack

   In GovDash Stack Settings
   Use custom Chef cookbooks: Yes
   Repository URL:****/cookbooks.git
   Branch: uberdashboard
   Custom JSON:
     "deploy": {
       "socialdash_app": {
         "database": {
              "redshift_host": "facebook-results.*****",
              "redshift_port": "5439",
              "redshift_pool": "10",
              "redshift_timeout": "5000",
              "redshift_database": "****",
              "redshift_username": "****",
              "redshift_password": "****"
         "facebook": {
              "client_id": "****",
              "client_secret": "****"
         "youtube": {
              "delayed_jobs": 5

4. Layer Rails App Server Recipes
     Repository URL: [email protected]:****/cookbooks.git
     Configure: socialdash::cronjob rails::myconfigure 
     DeployL    socialdash::cronjob 

     OS Packages:  rabbitmq-server

5. Start OpsWorks GovDash Stack instance
   When the instance is up, make sure:
   5.1 User "deploy" cronjobs are created for Facebook, Twitter, Youtube
   5.2 <rails-app>/current/config/ symbalic links are created
   5.3 delayed_job daemon is running
6. If you want to use AWS Redshift Database
   6.1 Run the following PostgreSQL commands

create table fb_pages (
  original_id integer,
  account_id integer,
  object_name varchar(40) ,
  total_likes integer,
  total_comments integer,
  total_shares integer,
  total_talking_about integer,
  likes integer,
  comments integer,
  shares integer,
  posts integer,
  replies_to_comment integer,
  fan_adds_day integer,
  story_adds_day integer,
  story_adds_by_story_type_day varchar(255),
  consumptions_day integer,
  consumptions_by_consumption_type_day varchar(255),
  stories_week integer,
  stories_day_28 integer,
  stories_by_story_type_week varchar(255),
  post_created_time timestamp,
  created_at timestamp,
  updated_at timestamp,
  primary key(original_id)
sortkey(original_id, post_created_time, account_id)

CREATE TABLE fb_posts (
  original_id integer,
  account_id integer NULL,
  post_id varchar(40) UNIQUE,
  likes integer NULL,
  comments integer NULL,
  shares integer NULL,
  post_type varchar(20) NULL,
  replies_to_comment integer NULL,
  post_created_time timestamp NULL,
  created_at timestamp NULL,
  updated_at timestamp NULL,
  primary key(original_id)
sortkey(account_id, post_created_time)

CREATE TABLE tw_timelines (
  original_id integer NOT NULL,
  account_id integer NULL,
  object_name varchar(40) NULL,
  total_tweets integer NULL,
  total_favorites integer NULL,
  total_followers integer NULL,
  tweets integer NULL,
  favorites integer NULL,
  followers integer NULL,
  retweets integer NULL,
  mentions integer NULL,
  tweet_created_at timestamp NULL,
  created_at timestamp NULL,
  updated_at timestamp NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (original_id)
sortkey(original_id, tweet_created_at, account_id)

CREATE TABLE tw_tweets (
  original_id integer NOT NULL,
  account_id integer NULL,
  tweet_id bigint NULL,
  retweets integer NULL,
  favorites integer NULL,
  mentions integer NULL,
  tweet_created_at timestamp NULL,
  created_at timestamp NULL,
  updated_at timestamp NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (original_id)
sortkey(original_id, tweet_created_at, tweet_id)

CREATE TABLE yt_channels (
   original_id integer NOT NULL,
   account_id integer NOT NULL,
   channel_id varchar(255),
   views integer,
   comments integer,
   videos integer,
   subscribers integer,
   video_subscribers integer,
   video_comments integer,
   video_favorites integer,
   video_likes integer,
   video_views integer,
   published_at timestamp,
   created_at timestamp,
   updated_at timestamp,
  PRIMARY KEY (original_id)
sortkey(original_id, channel_id, published_at)

CREATE TABLE yt_videos (
  original_id integer NOT NULL,
  account_id integer NOT NULL,
  video_id varchar(40),
  comments integer,
  favorites integer,
  likes integer,
  views integer,
  published_at timestamp,
  created_at timestamp,
  updated_at timestamp,
  PRIMARY KEY (original_id)
sortkey(original_id, account_id, published_at)

7. References:
   Chef Resources:
   Use Social Media Registry
8. Useful command line tools for Rails developer
   Launch PostgreSQL (PSQL) client:
    /Applications/ -h -U oddidev -p 5439 -d pages
   Drop PSQL database:
    /Applications/ -h -p 5439 -U oddidev -i pages
   Create PSQL database:
    /Applications/ -h -p 5439 -U oddidev -E UTF8 -e pages    
   Kill PSQL process of id 1234:
    select pg_cancel_backend(1234);
    select pg_terminate_backend(1234);
   Find PSQL running processes:
    SELECT * FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE datname = 'yt_channels';

   # tail OpsWorks log
   sudo /usr/sbin/opsworks-agent-cli show_log