Implementing a feed handler in Java to interface with a ticker plant in KDB+.
Build a user verification system to restrict user access on entry.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
Software: KDB+, Java
OS: Windows/Unix
A step by step series of examples that tell you have to get a development env running
Extract the kdbProject folder to your home directory
Navigate to the installation folder. Start the Ticker Plant with -S flag to deal with pseudorandom problems
q tp.q -S number
Start the RDB
q rdb.q
To start the Feed Handler navigate to
Start the Java application by using one of the two commands:
java -cp . jc.m3.App
java jc/m3/App
Login with preset Feed Handler credentialsr:
username: fh
password: password
Upon completing this step all 3 instances are connected.
This script gives us the ability to manage users that can connect to the Ticker Plant, this was developed to showcase the modified versions of the z functions to control and monitor user access. Implementing this in a private namespace, .auth, keeps the functions from accidental or unwanted use.
This allows the functions of adding, removing, editing users within the tp process since it's loaded on start.
.auth.edit[`user; new `password]
Salting - returns a random Salt to be used with the password for encryption.
Encrypt - Uses MD5 hashing to encrypt the salted password so it's safe for storage.
.u.upd - Called by the Java Feed Handler once connected to send over the generated data. It then both saves the data in a table and also saves it in the logfile which the RDB can request to replay back from.
.u.upd[tableName; tableData]
.u.replay - Requests the logfile handle from the tickerplant and then replays the logfile contents to store them in memory.
persistX - Saves in memory database to disk in different formats.
Using QUnit - KDB Unit Testing Framework to test my .auth.q script
A script, testcomp.q, is included that can be executed that will load all the required scripts and run the tests.
q testcomp.q
All tests are contained in authTest.q, to add any further testing simply append tests to this file.
status name result actual expected msg time mem maxTime maxMem namespace
pass .authTest.testAConvInt "42" "42" "42" "Converted int" 0 2816 0W 0W .authTest
pass .authTest.testAConvStrinfg "test" "test" "test" "String already converted" 0 2816 0W 0W .authTest
pass .authTest.testAConvSym "test" "test" "test" "Converted symbol" 0 2816 0W 0W .authTest
pass .authTest.testBAddUser1 1b 1b 1b "Added user" 0 8736 0W 0W .authTest
pass .authTest.testBAddUser2 1b 1b 1b "Added user" 8 8656 0W 0W .authTest
pass .authTest.testBAddUser3 1b 1b 1b "Added User" 7 8672 0W 0W .authTest
pass .authTest.testBAddUserCount 3 3 3 "Count Users" 0 2816 0W 0W .authTest
pass .authTest.testCAddUserDup 0b 0b 0b "Duplicate" 9 8672 0W 0W .authTest
pass .authTest.testCAddUserDupCount 3 3 3 "Count Users" 0 2880 0W 0W .authTest
pass .authTest.testDRemoveUser 1b 1b 1b "Removed user" 1 3616 0W 0W .authTest
pass .authTest.testDRemoveUserF 0b 0b 0b "No user found" 7 2816 0W 0W .authTest
pass .authTest.testECountUsers 2 2 2 "Count Users" 0 2816 0W 0W .authTest
- qUnit - Test Framework Used
- Jose Costa
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details
- David Hodgins