What's Changed
- Accept app secret from environ by @funkybob in #2
- Fix typo in README: added (was: addded) by @frankgeerlings in #3
- Simplify some wording, and use
- Add a sample Shields.IO badge for use on READMEs by @glasnt in #4
- Add custom CSS formatting for header link by @glasnt in #5
- Add DEVELOPMENT.md by @wong2 in #6
- fixed register buttons on mobile and centered section by @danwlsn in #11
- start of disabling accounts by @erinxocon in #14
- Fix spelling. by @BlitzKraft in #15
- remove inaccurate statement about GitHub only accounts by @pdurbin in #16
- don't require sentry by @alexritter96 in #22
- better CSS for notes by @alexritter96 in #23
- Removed typo in README.md by @azillion in #24
- Use a more diverse name for byline placeholder by @dshafik in #27
- Added markdown popup for badge integration by @waseem18 in #30
- Update copyright year by @nkantar in #43
- Added the Japanese handwriting font by @alice1017 in #45
- changed colour of button by @kgashok in #64
- Fix:Email failing because of Sendgrid Authorization Error by @anandvenkat4 in #66
- Bump SQLAlchemy from 1.1.9 to 1.3.0 by @dependabot in #74
- Bump SQLAlchemy from 1.1.9 to 1.3.0 by @dependabot in #75
- Resolve #39. by @muety in #47
- Circleci setup by @anandvenkat4 in #67
- Bump requests from 2.13.0 to 2.20.0 by @dependabot in #76
- added link for contribution ideas by @kgashok in #81
- changes to avoid errors due to "nickname" by @kgashok in #84
- added setup doc (word) file by @kgashok in #85
- added markdown file documentation - needs additional steps to complete #78 by @kgashok in #86
- updates to markdown file for #78 by @kgashok in #87
- footer updated by @kgashok in #93
- Resolved #89 with email address by @kgashok in #94
- Fixed #88 by @kgashok in #95
- removed bitcoin text by @bunnyrockz in #96
- minor edits for #89 by @kgashok in #97
- removed prompts in myemail property by @kgashok in #98
- updates for fixing front end issues by @kgashok in #100
- profile picture visible now by @kgashok in #102
- partial fix for hiding email address by @kgashok in #104
- Ongoing edits for #107 in README.md by @kgashok in #108
- Resent Changes on saythanks by @dinesh131 in #111
- Update README.md by @Timoffey in #115
- update of development environment markdown file; minor cleanup by @kgashok in #121
- MD file edits by @kgashok in #122
- changed markdown file name by @kgashok in #124
- add new issue link in footer by @IMTejesh95 in #120
- Changes for Bitcoin, Buysellads and QR Code by @Pavithratrdev in #127
- Updated requirements.txt by @Pavithratrdev in #129
- minor edits by @kgashok in #128
- Update submit_note.htm.j2 by @Deepthi-Deepu in #131
- Update submit_note.htm.j2 by @Deepthi-Deepu in #133
- Revert "Update submit_note.htm.j2" by @kgashok in #134
- Revert "Update submit_note.htm.j2" by @kgashok in #135
- Update submit_note.htm.j2 by @Deepthi-Deepu in #136
- removed old documentation #123 by @RamkumarMrj in #154
- modified unused expressions for #143 by @mreddyn in #148
- Examples of contributions of docstring documentation of functions/modules by @kgashok in #141
- [#58] Add topic attribution to saythanks link. by @csurfer in #59
- Define self.uuid in init by @Tomracer in #158
- Fixed #160 as reviewed by Pavithra by @kgashok in #161
- Example of mult-line docstring for
function by @kgashok in #163 - Update storage.py by @Professor-Sathish in #165
- Added new PDF file for installation manual by @Pavithratrdev in #167
- Added jquery to environment in deepsource.toml file by @kgashok in #169
- Completed feature no.1 from issue #162 by @tarunkumark in #175
- Exact exception has been captured and thrown by @Pavithratrdev in #173
- Fixed Font menu bugs and added the menu to sendnote by @tarunkumark in #180
- Used Github Ribbon for new issue link by @Deepthi-Deepu in #179
- Bug Fix on Topic feature implementation by @DeepakChakravarthy in #182
- Partial fix for #140 - docstring added for display_submit_note function by @kgashok in #184
- fixed issue #162 with bug fixes by @tarunkumark in #187
- Improvements in local environment setup doc by @Pavithratrdev in #194
- Add files via upload by @kgashok in #193
- Enable logout by @Pavithratrdev in #201
- Unique Violation handled for auth id by @Pavithratrdev in #202
- Handled Index error to check at least one entry exist for authenticated login by @Pavithratrdev in #203
- Added timestamp in inbox for each notes by @Deepthi-Deepu in #207
- Link to send to Twitter and Facebook from saythanks.io-fixed #171 by @RamkumarMrj in #206
- Added HTML email option by @tarunkumark in #209
- all the issues are fixed related to #171 by @RamkumarMrj in #210
- Added issue templates by @Sathasivamthirumoorthi in #211
- removed strong tags from byline and timestamp by @tarunkumark in #216
- Log module added by @Suveksha25 in #219
- Ribbon Mobile View Issue #119 by @Deepthi-Deepu in #218
- Add files via upload by @Pavithratrdev in #222
- Simple code cleanup by @kgashok in #225
- Code cleanup for various anti-patterns by @kgashok in #226
- html emails are now saved in the db by @tarunkumark in #228
- Outside scope smothering avoided by using ibox by @kgashok in #231
New Contributors
- @funkybob made their first contribution in #2
- @frankgeerlings made their first contribution in #3
- @nedbat made their first contribution in #7
- @glasnt made their first contribution in #4
- @wong2 made their first contribution in #6
- @danwlsn made their first contribution in #11
- @erinxocon made their first contribution in #14
- @BlitzKraft made their first contribution in #15
- @pdurbin made their first contribution in #16
- @alexritter96 made their first contribution in #22
- @azillion made their first contribution in #24
- @dshafik made their first contribution in #27
- @waseem18 made their first contribution in #30
- @nkantar made their first contribution in #43
- @alice1017 made their first contribution in #45
- @kgashok made their first contribution in #64
- @anandvenkat4 made their first contribution in #66
- @dependabot made their first contribution in #74
- @muety made their first contribution in #47
- @bunnyrockz made their first contribution in #96
- @dinesh131 made their first contribution in #111
- @Timoffey made their first contribution in #115
- @IMTejesh95 made their first contribution in #120
- @Pavithratrdev made their first contribution in #127
- @Deepthi-Deepu made their first contribution in #131
- @RamkumarMrj made their first contribution in #154
- @mreddyn made their first contribution in #148
- @csurfer made their first contribution in #59
- @Tomracer made their first contribution in #158
- @Professor-Sathish made their first contribution in #165
- @tarunkumark made their first contribution in #175
- @DeepakChakravarthy made their first contribution in #182
- @Sathasivamthirumoorthi made their first contribution in #211
- @Suveksha25 made their first contribution in #219
Full Changelog: https://github.com/BlitzKraft/saythanks.io/commits/2.0