- Easy to deploy. The install scripts does all the work.
- Abuse report are atomaticlly created and sent to the attacking IP owner.
- Abuse reports are stored with a hash at time of creation incase needed later.
Domain names.
- One real domain you use for normal email. Example: myrealdomain.com
- One domain for the HoneyPot(s). Example: myhoneydomain.com
DNS record control.
- Add a Wild card for all subdomains of myhoneydomain.com to point to the IP of mail server for domain myrealdomain.com. In Bind this would look like "*.myhoneydomain.com. IN A"
Another Mail Server
- Anything will work. You can just use your normal email server; there is no special requirements. This is just to receive emails at.
- Make "myhoneydomain.com" and "log.myhoneydomain.com" Domain Alias for "myrealdomain.com"
- Create the account "[email protected]".
Debain 9
- May work with other Debain version, but all testing was done in version 9.
apt update ; apt install -y git
git clone https://github.com/Brets0150/StickyExim.git
cd ./StickyExim/
chmod +x *.sh
./install_StickyExim.sh <DomainNameUsedForHoneyPot> <ExternalEmailAddressToSendTestEmailTo>
./install_StickyExim.sh "definitelynotahoneypot.com" "[email protected]"
After the install, a test email will be sent to the email address you provided above. If you do not get a email, check the mail log(/var/log/exim4/maillog).
nano honey_harvester_exim_cve-2019-10149.sh
You need to find and update two variable at the top of this script.
This is the email that will appear on abuse reports that are sent. So this needs to be a valid email address. You may be contacted back by the people who get these reports.
Example: [email protected] str_my_abuse_email_address_to_use_in_from_field=''
This email address must be different from the "str_my_abuse_email_address_to_use_in_from_field". This email is use to send a copy of a abuse reports to you so you are aware that an attack was found. Since the "str_my_abuse_email_address_to_use_in_from_field" domain will be local to this honeypot system, it will not try to send to a remote. I suggest adding a subdomain.
Example: [email protected] str_my_abuse_email_address_to_send_copy_of_abuse_report=''
If you want to test to confirm the honeypot is working, you can use this other project I found. https://github.com/cowbe0x004/eximrce-CVE-2019-10149