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A framework for generalized dynamical systems modelling & simulation (inspired by and compatible with


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Gosper Glider Gun

A Python framework for modelling and simulating dynamical systems. Models are structured using state transitions for encoding differential equations, or any other logic, as an example. Simulations are configured using methods such as parameter sweeps, Monte Carlo runs, and A/B testing. radCAD extends on cadCAD. See for the most comprehensive cadCAD beginner course.


  • simple API for ease of use
  • performance driven (more speed = more experiments, larger parameter sweeps, in less time)
  • cadCAD compatible (standard functions, data structures, and simulation results)
  • maintainable, testable codebase

Table of Contents

Open-source Models Using radCAD

  • Ethereum Economic Model by CADLabs: A modular dynamical-systems model of Ethereum's validator economics
  • Beacon Runner by Ethereum RIG: An agent-based model of Ethereum's Proof-of-Stake consensus layer
  • GEB Controller Simulations by Reflexer Protocol: A Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) controller based upon a reference document approach for the Maker DAI market that was never implemented

Example Models

Iterable Models

Using Models as live in-the-loop digital twins, creating your own model pipelines, and streaming simulation results to update a visualization. That's what an iterable Model class enables.

Iterable Models

Live radCAD demo model on Streamlit

A simple game where at each timestep, the following transitions occur:

  1. Any live cell with fewer than two live neighbours dies, as if by underpopulation.
  2. Any live cell with two or three live neighbours lives on to the next generation.
  3. Any live cell with more than three live neighbours dies, as if by overpopulation.
  4. Any dead cell with exactly three live neighbours becomes a live cell, as if by reproduction.

See examples/game_of_life/game-of-life.ipynb

Game of Life

A simple model that applies the two Lotka-Volterra differential equations, frequently used to describe the dynamics of biological systems in which two species interact:

Original models thanks to Danilo @danlessa!


  • Parameter sweeps
params = {
    'a': [1, 2, 3],
    'b': [1, 2],
    'c': [1]
# Creates a parameter sweep of:
# [{'a': 1, 'b': 1, 'c': 1}, {'a': 2, 'b': 2, 'c': 1}, {'a': 3, 'b': 2, 'c': 1}]
  • Monte Carlo runs
RUNS = 100 # Set to the number of Monte Carlo Runs
Simulation(model=model, timesteps=TIMESTEPS, runs=RUNS)
  • A/B tests
model_a = Model(initial_state=states_a, state_update_blocks=state_update_blocks_a, params=params_a)
model_b = Model(initial_state=states_b, state_update_blocks=state_update_blocks_b, params=params_b)

simulation_1 = Simulation(model=model_a, timesteps=TIMESTEPS, runs=RUNS)
simulation_2 = Simulation(model=model_b, timesteps=TIMESTEPS, runs=RUNS)

# Simulate any number of models in parallel
experiment = Experiment([simulation_1, simulation_2])
result =
  • cadCAD compatibility and familiar data structure
               a          b  simulation  subset  run  substep  timestep
0       1.000000        2.0           0       0    1        0         0
1       0.540302        2.0           0       0    1        1         1
2       0.540302        7.0           0       0    1        2         1
3       0.463338        7.0           0       0    1        1         2
4       0.463338       12.0           0       0    1        2         2
...          ...        ...         ...     ...  ...      ...       ...
799999  0.003162   999982.0           1       1    1        2     99998
800000  0.003162   999982.0           1       1    1        1     99999
800001  0.003162   999992.0           1       1    1        2     99999
800002  0.003162   999992.0           1       1    1        1    100000
800003  0.003162  1000002.0           1       1    1        2    100000

Advanced Features

  • Disable deepcopy option for improved performance (at cost of mutability)
  • Robust exception handling with partial results, and tracebacks
  • Parallel processing with multiple backend options: multiprocessing, pathos, ray
  • Distributed computing and remote execution in a cluster (AWS, GCP, Kubernetes, ...) using Ray - Fast and Simple Distributed Computing
  • Hooks to easily extend the functionality - e.g. save results to HDF5 file format after completion
  • Model classes are iterable, so you can iterate over them step-by-step from one state to the next (useful for gradient descent, live digital twins)


pip install radcad


radCAD provides the following classes:

  1. A system is represented in some form as a Model
  2. A Model can be simulated using a Simulation
  3. An Experiment consists of one or more Simulations
  4. An Experiment or a Simulation is run by the Engine

So, the hierarchy is as follows Model > Simulation > Experiment > Engine.

from radcad import Model, Simulation, Experiment

model = Model(initial_state=initial_state, state_update_blocks=state_update_blocks, params=params)
simulation = Simulation(model=model, timesteps=100_000, runs=1)

result =
# Or, multiple simulations:
# experiment = Experiment([simulation_1, simulation_2, simulation_3])
# result =

df = pd.DataFrame(result)

cadCAD Compatibility

Migrating from cadCAD to radCAD

# cadCAD configuration modules
from cadCAD.configuration.utils import config_sim
from cadCAD.configuration import Experiment

# cadCAD simulation engine modules
from cadCAD.engine import ExecutionMode, ExecutionContext
from cadCAD.engine import Executor

# cadCAD global simulation configuration list
from cadCAD import configs

# Clears any prior configs
del configs[:]

sim_config = config_sim({
    'N': 1, # Number of Monte Carlo Runs
    'T': range(100), # Number of timesteps
    'M': system_params # System Parameters

    # Model initial state
    # Model Partial State Update Blocks
    # Simulation configuration

# ExecutionContext instance (used for more advanced cadCAD config)
exec_context = ExecutionContext()

# Creates a simulation Executor instance
simulation = Executor(
    # cadCAD configuration list

# Executes the simulation, and returns the raw results
result, _tensor_field, _sessions = simulation.execute()

df = pd.DataFrame(result)
from radcad import Model, Simulation, Experiment

model = Model(
    # Model initial state
    # Model Partial State Update Blocks
    # System Parameters

simulation = Simulation(
    timesteps=100_000,  # Number of timesteps
    runs=1  # Number of Monte Carlo Runs

# Executes the simulation, and returns the raw results
result =

df = pd.DataFrame(result)

cadCAD Compatibility Mode

radCAD is already compatible with the cadCAD generalized dynamical systems model structure; existing state update blocks, policies, and state update functions should work as is. But to more easily refactor existing cadCAD models to use radCAD without changing the cadCAD API and configuration process, there is a compatibility mode. The compatibility mode doesn't guarrantee to handle all cadCAD options, but should work for most cadCAD models by translating the configuration and execution processes into radCAD behind the scenes.

To use the compatibility mode, install radCAD with the compat dependencies:

pip install -e .[compat]
# Or
poetry install -E compat

Then, update the cadCAD imports from cadCAD._ to radcad.compat.cadCAD._

from radcad.compat.cadCAD.configuration import Experiment
from radcad.compat.cadCAD.engine import Executor, ExecutionMode, ExecutionContext
from radcad.compat.cadCAD.configuration.utils import config_sim
from radcad.compat.cadCAD import configs

Now run your existing cadCAD model using radCAD!

Iterating over a Model

Model classes are iterable, so you can iterate over them step-by-step from one state to the next.

This is useful for gradient descent, live digital twins, composing one model within another within a Policy Function...

Here is an example of using a Model to update a Plotly figure live:

from radcad import Model

import time
import plotly.graph_objects as go

# Live update of figure using Model as a generator
fig = go.FigureWidget()

# Create a generator from the Model iterator
model_generator = iter(Model(initial_state=initial_state, state_update_blocks=state_update_blocks, params=params))

timesteps = 100
results = []

for t in range(timesteps):
    # Step to next state
    model = next(model_generator)
    # Get state and update figure
    state = model.state
    a = state['a']
    results.append(a)[0].y = results[:t]

You have access to the more advanced engine options too, using the __call__() method:

model(raise_exceptions=False, deepcopy=True, drop_substeps=False)
_model = next(model)

Current limitations:

  • Only works for single subsets (no parameter sweeps)

Engine Settings

Selecting single or multi-process modes

By default radCAD sets the number of parallel processes used by the Engine to the number of system CPUs less one, but this can be customized as follows:

from radcad import Engine


experiment.engine = Engine(processes=1)
result =

Disabling state deepcopy

To improve performance, at the cost of mutability, the Engine module has the deepcopy option which is True by default:

experiment.engine = Engine(deepcopy=False)

Dropping state substeps

If you don't need the substeps in post-processing, you can both improve simulation performance and save post-processing time and dataset size by dropping the substeps:

experiment.engine = Engine(drop_substeps=True)

Exception handling

radCAD allows you to choose whether to raise exceptions, ending the simulation, or to continue with the remaining runs and return the results along with the exceptions. Failed runs are returned as partial results - the part of the simulation result up until the timestep where the simulation failed.

experiment.engine = Engine(raise_exceptions=False)

results = experiment.results # e.g. [[{...}, {...}], ..., [{...}, {...}]]
exceptions = experiment.exceptions # A dataframe of exceptions, tracebacks, and simulations metadata

This also means you can run a specific simulation directly, and access the results later:


results = predator_prey_simulation.results

WIP: Remote Cluster Execution (using Ray)

To use the Ray backend, install radCAD with the extension-backend-ray dependencies:

pip install -e .[extension-backend-ray]
# Or
poetry install -E extension-backend-ray

Export the following AWS credentials (or see Ray documentation for alternative providers):


Start a new cluster (or use existing):

# Cluster config: single m5.large EC2 instance, us-west-2 region
ray up cluster/aws/minimal.yaml
# Test the connection
ray exec cluster/aws/minimal.yaml 'echo "hello world"'

Change the execution backend to RAY_REMOTE:

from radcad.engine import Engine, Backend
import ray

# Connect to cluster head
ray.init(address='***:6379', _redis_password='***')


experiment.engine = Engine(backend=Backend.RAY_REMOTE)
result =

Finally, spin down the cluster:

ray down cluster/ray-aws.yaml

Hooks to extend functionality

Hooks allow you to easily extend the functionality of radCAD with a stable API, and without having to manipulate the robust core.

experiment.before_experiment = lambda experiment: print(f"Before experiment with {len(experiment.simulations)} simulations")
experiment.after_experiment = lambda experiment: print(f"After experiment with {len(experiment.simulations)} simulations")
experiment.before_simulation = lambda simulation: print(f"Before simulation {simulation.index} with params {simulation.model.params}")
experiment.after_simulation = lambda simulation: print(f"After simulation {simulation.index} with params {simulation.model.params}")
experiment.before_run = lambda context: print(f"Before run {context}")
experiment.after_run = lambda context: print(f"After run {context}")
experiment.before_subset = lambda context: print(f"Before subset {context}")
experiment.after_subset = lambda context: print(f"After subset {context}")

See tests/ for expected functionality.

Example hook: Saving results to HDF5

import pandas as pd
import datetime

def save_to_HDF5(experiment, store_file_name, store_key):
    now =
    store = pd.HDFStore(store_file_name)
    store.put(store_key, pd.DataFrame(experiment.results))
    store.get_storer(store_key).attrs.metadata = {
        'date': now.isoformat()
    print(f"Saved experiment results to HDF5 store file {store_file_name} with key {store_key}")

experiment.after_experiment = lambda experiment: save_to_HDF5(experiment, 'experiment_results.hdf5', 'experiment_0')

Notes on state mutation

The biggest performance bottleneck with radCAD, and cadCAD for that matter, is avoiding mutation of state variables by creating a deep copy of the state passed to the state update function. This avoids the state update function mutating state variables outside of the framework by creating a copy of it first - a deep copy creates a copy of the object itself, and the key value pairs, which gets expensive.

To avoid the additional overhead, mutation of state history is allowed, and left up to the developer to avoid using standard Python best practises, but mutation of the current state is disabled.

See for some performance benchmarks of different methods. radCAD uses cPickle, which is faster than using deepcopy, but less flexible about what types it can handle (Pickle depends on serialization) - these could be interchanged in future.


Set up and enter the Python environment with Poetry:

poetry --help
poetry install
poetry env use python3
poetry shell

Publishing to PyPI

# 1. Update `pyproject.toml` package version using semantic versioning
# 2. Update
# 3. Submit PR and run tests
# 4. Merge into master on success
# 5. Build and publish package
poetry publish --build
# Enter in PyPI package repository credentials
# 6. Tag master commit with version e.g. `v0.5.0` and push

Pip or alternative package managers

Export requirements.txt using Poetry:

poetry export --without-hashes -f requirements.txt --output requirements.txt

Note: the root requirements.txt is used for Streamlit app in examples, and is not for development.


poetry shell
python3 -m pytest
python3 -m unittest

Jupyter Notebooks

# Install kernel
poetry run python -m ipykernel install --user --name python3-radcad
# Start Jupyter
poetry run python -m jupyter lab


See benchmarks

Time Profiling

poetry run python3 -m pytest run benchmarks/
poetry run python3 -m pytest run benchmarks/

Memory Profiling

poetry run python3 -m mprof run benchmarks/
poetry run python3 -m mprof plot


A framework for generalized dynamical systems modelling & simulation (inspired by and compatible with







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  • Python 95.1%
  • Jupyter Notebook 2.7%
  • Rust 1.3%
  • Other 0.9%