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Easily access the gardener's classification labels for interneurons

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The goal of gardenr is provide simple functions of analyzing the data from Gardener’s interneuron classification as well as to provide examples of analyses of such data.


You can use the devtools package to install gardenr from Github.


The user needs to provide the path to the folder containing the data. These can be downloaded from

folder <- '/home/bmihaljevic/code-gardener/gardener-experiment-data/data/' 
#> ── Attaching packages ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── tidyverse 1.2.1 ──
#> ✔ ggplot2 3.2.0     ✔ purrr   0.3.2
#> ✔ tibble  2.1.3     ✔ dplyr   0.8.1
#> ✔ tidyr   0.8.3     ✔ stringr 1.4.0
#> ✔ readr   1.3.1     ✔ forcats 0.4.0
#> ── Conflicts ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── tidyverse_conflicts() ──
#> ✖ dplyr::filter() masks stats::filter()
#> ✖ dplyr::lag()    masks stats::lag()


gardenr functions return the data for all 320 cells. There are functions for the classification labels get_all_labels, metadata get_all_meta, and alternative type names and definitions get_alternative_types.

#> Warning: replacing previous import 'magrittr::extract' by 'tidyr::extract'
#> when loading 'gardenr'
#> Attaching package: 'gardenr'
#> The following object is masked from 'package:readr':
#>     read_csv
annotations <- get_all_labels(folder ) 
#>    annotator         neuron                 F1                   F2      
#>  1      :  320   1      :   48               : 151                : 175  
#>  2      :  320   2      :   48   intralaminar:3895   intracolumnar:7660  
#>  3      :  320   4      :   48   None        :1326   None         :1326  
#>  4      :  320   5      :   48   translaminar:8970   transcolumnar:5181  
#>  5      :  320   6      :   48                                           
#>  6      :  320   7      :   48                                           
#>  (Other):12422   (Other):14054                                           
#>          F3                F4                   F5      
#>           : 254             : 375   common type  :2934  
#>  centered :5649   ascending :2390   common basket:2839  
#>  displaced:7113   both      :1352   large basket :1941  
#>  None     :1326   descending:2543   Martinotti   :1563  
#>                   None      :7682   None         :1326  
#>                                     neurogliaform:1032  
#>                                     (Other)      :2707  
#>                F6                    other        complete      
#>  characterized  :13016   None           :13346   Mode :logical  
#>  uncharacterized: 1326   columnar basket:   70   FALSE:482      
#>                          unknown        :   68   TRUE :13860    
#>                          bushy cell     :   59                  
#>                          bitufted       :   40                  
#>                          double bouquet :   40                  
#>                          (Other)        :  719
alternative <- get_alternative_types(folder)
#>    annotator               type                            definition 
#>  23     :74   bipolar        :  5                               :163  
#>  27     :68   bitufted       :  5   see above.                  : 12  
#>  14     :38   double bouquet :  4   as it says.                 :  6  
#>  7      :11   bipolar?       :  3   see above                   :  4  
#>  30     :10   inverted arcade:  3   as above.                   :  2  
#>  18     : 9   bitufted?      :  2   deleted from the final list.:  2  
#>  (Other):59   (Other)        :247   (Other)                     : 80
metadata <- get_all_meta(folder)
#>      neuron   species                   area    
#>  1      :  1   None         : 79     Cat   : 10   Area not reported:  1  
#>  2      :  1   020227-slice1:  1     Human : 11   Auditory         :  1  
#>  3      :  1   020315-2-ST  :  1     Monkey: 68   Frontal          :  8  
#>  4      :  1   020315-3-ST  :  1     Mouse : 78   Prefrontal       : 33  
#>  5      :  1   020515-2-NPY :  1     Rabbit:  2   Somatosensory    :184  
#>  6      :  1   020530-2-NPY :  1     Rat   :151   Temporal         :  9  
#>  (Other):314   (Other)      :236                  Visual           : 84  
#>           layer      rotated                   archive   
#>  II          :  4   Mode :logical   Gonzalez-Burgos: 15  
#>  III         : 16   FALSE:310       Helmstaedter   : 43  
#>  II/III      :136   TRUE :10        Markram        :104  
#>  IV          : 98                   Yuste          : 78  
#>  not reported: 30                   NA's           : 80  
#>  V           : 33                                        
#>  VI          :  3                                        
#>                             original.type
#>  Not reported                      :79   
#>  Basket cell                       :57   
#>  Martinotti cell                   :33   
#>  Somatostatin (SOM) containing cell:18   
#>  Bitufted cell                     :12   
#>  (Other)                           :41   
#>  NA's                              :80   
#>                                                                                                                                  paper    
#>  Anatomical, physiological, molecular and circuit properties of nest basket cells in the developing somatosensory cortex            :104  
#>  The relation between dendritic geometry, electrical excitability, and axonal projections of L2/3 Interneurons in rat barrel cortex.: 43  
#>  Internal dynamics determine the cortical response to thalamic stimulation                                                          : 17  
#>  Correlation between axonal morphologies and synaptic input kinetics of interneurons from mouse visual cortex                       : 16  
#>  Calcium microdomains in aspiny dendrites                                                                                           : 15  
#>  (Other)                                                                                                                            :104  
#>  NA's                                                                                                                               : 21

To get data on a specific cell or annotator, we only need filter by id:

metadata %>% filter(neuron == 12)
#>   neuron species       area  layer rotated
#> 1     12 03-27-01-3wideArbor  Monkey Prefrontal II/III   FALSE
#>           archive original.type
#> 1 Gonzalez-Burgos   Basket cell
#>                                                                                                                                                           paper
#> 1 Cluster analysis-based physiological classification and morphological properties of inhibitory neurons in layers 2-3 of monkey dorsolateral prefrontal cortex
head(annotations %>% filter(neuron == 12))
#>   annotator neuron           F1            F2        F3         F4
#> 1         1     12 translaminar transcolumnar  centered       None
#> 2         2     12 translaminar transcolumnar  centered       None
#> 3         3     12 translaminar transcolumnar displaced descending
#> 4         4     12 translaminar transcolumnar displaced       both
#> 5         5     12 translaminar transcolumnar  centered       None
#> 6         6     12 translaminar transcolumnar  centered       None
#>             F5            F6 other complete
#> 1 large basket characterized  None     TRUE
#> 2 large basket characterized  None     TRUE
#> 3 large basket characterized  None     TRUE
#> 4 large basket characterized  None     TRUE
#> 5 large basket characterized  None     TRUE
#> 6 large basket characterized  None     TRUE
head(annotations %>% filter(annotator == 2))
#>   annotator neuron           F1            F2        F3        F4
#> 1         2      1 intralaminar intracolumnar  centered      None
#> 2         2      2 translaminar transcolumnar displaced      both
#> 3         2      3 translaminar intracolumnar displaced ascending
#> 4         2      4 intralaminar intracolumnar  centered      None
#> 5         2      5 translaminar transcolumnar  centered      None
#> 6         2      6 intralaminar intracolumnar  centered      None
#>              F5            F6 other complete
#> 1 neurogliaform characterized  None     TRUE
#> 2    chandelier characterized  None     TRUE
#> 3    Martinotti characterized  None     TRUE
#> 4   common type characterized  None     TRUE
#> 5 common basket characterized  None     TRUE
#> 6 neurogliaform characterized  None     TRUE
alternative %>% filter(annotator == 2)
#> [1] annotator  type       definition
#> <0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)

It is easy to combine the three data frames using joins, and then compute summaries with tidyverse functions. For example, the alternative type definition to an annotation

head(left_join(annotations, alternative, by = c("other" = "type", "annotator" = "annotator"))) 
#> Warning: Column `other`/`type` joining factors with different levels,
#> coercing to character vector
#> Warning: Column `annotator` joining factors with different levels, coercing
#> to character vector
#>   annotator neuron           F1            F2        F3         F4
#> 1         1      1 intralaminar intracolumnar  centered       None
#> 2         1      2 translaminar transcolumnar displaced descending
#> 3         1      3 translaminar transcolumnar displaced  ascending
#> 4         1      4 translaminar intracolumnar  centered       None
#> 5         1      5 translaminar transcolumnar  centered       None
#> 6         1      6 intralaminar intracolumnar  centered       None
#>              F5            F6 other complete definition
#> 1 neurogliaform characterized  None     TRUE       <NA>
#> 2    chandelier characterized  None     TRUE       <NA>
#> 3    Martinotti characterized  None     TRUE       <NA>
#> 4 common basket characterized  None     TRUE       <NA>
#> 5  large basket characterized  None     TRUE       <NA>
#> 6 neurogliaform characterized  None     TRUE       <NA>

The primary key in alternative consits of annotator and type and hence we need both in the join.

There is a utility function to return the counts for all categories, with a single entry per neuron.

counts <- get_all_counts(folder) 
#> Warning: attributes are not identical across measure variables;
#> they will be dropped
#> # A tibble: 6 x 22
#>   neuron intralaminar translaminar intracolumnar transcolumnar centered
#>   <fct>         <int>        <int>         <int>         <int>    <int>
#> 1 1                44            2            44             0       44
#> 2 2                21           26            29            17        4
#> 3 3                 1           45            36             8        1
#> 4 4                 9           28            34             2       33
#> 5 5                 4           43             8            39       30
#> 6 6                45            1            45             0       44
#> # … with 16 more variables: displaced <int>, ascending <int>, both <int>,
#> #   descending <int>, arcade <int>, `Cajal-Retzius` <int>,
#> #   chandelier <int>, `common basket` <int>, `common type` <int>,
#> #   `horse-tail` <int>, `large basket` <int>, Martinotti <int>,
#> #   neurogliaform <int>, other <int>, characterized <int>,
#> #   uncharacterized <int>

We can join the above with metadata to get thorough information for each cell.

meta_count <- left_join(counts, metadata, by = 'neuron') %>% select(-paper, -original.type, -archive,
#> # A tibble: 6 x 26
#>   neuron intralaminar translaminar intracolumnar transcolumnar centered
#>   <fct>         <int>        <int>         <int>         <int>    <int>
#> 1 1                44            2            44             0       44
#> 2 2                21           26            29            17        4
#> 3 3                 1           45            36             8        1
#> 4 4                 9           28            34             2       33
#> 5 5                 4           43             8            39       30
#> 6 6                45            1            45             0       44
#> # … with 20 more variables: displaced <int>, ascending <int>, both <int>,
#> #   descending <int>, arcade <int>, `Cajal-Retzius` <int>,
#> #   chandelier <int>, `common basket` <int>, `common type` <int>,
#> #   `horse-tail` <int>, `large basket` <int>, Martinotti <int>,
#> #   neurogliaform <int>, other <int>, characterized <int>,
#> #   uncharacterized <int>, species <fct>, area <fct>, layer <fct>,
#> #   rotated <lgl>

There is a utility function doing just that:

head(get_all_counts_meta(folder) )
#> Warning: attributes are not identical across measure variables;
#> they will be dropped
#> # A tibble: 6 x 26
#>   neuron intralaminar translaminar intracolumnar transcolumnar centered
#>   <fct>         <int>        <int>         <int>         <int>    <int>
#> 1 1                44            2            44             0       44
#> 2 2                21           26            29            17        4
#> 3 3                 1           45            36             8        1
#> 4 4                 9           28            34             2       33
#> 5 5                 4           43             8            39       30
#> 6 6                45            1            45             0       44
#> # … with 20 more variables: displaced <int>, ascending <int>, both <int>,
#> #   descending <int>, arcade <int>, `Cajal-Retzius` <int>,
#> #   chandelier <int>, `common basket` <int>, `common type` <int>,
#> #   `horse-tail` <int>, `large basket` <int>, Martinotti <int>,
#> #   neurogliaform <int>, other <int>, characterized <int>,
#> #   uncharacterized <int>, species <fct>, area <fct>, layer <fct>,
#> #   rotated <lgl>

These data are also available in a different format, which is a bit easier to analyze

annot_tidy <- make_annotations_tidy(annotations) 
#> Warning: attributes are not identical across measure variables;
#> they will be dropped
head(annot_tidy )
#>   annotator neuron feature        value
#> 1         1      1      F1 intralaminar
#> 2         1      2      F1 translaminar
#> 3         1      3      F1 translaminar
#> 4         1      4      F1 translaminar
#> 5         1      5      F1 translaminar
#> 6         1      6      F1 intralaminar


  • How many partially labelled cells?
#>   482 13860
  • Get raw frequencies of the different categories
annot_tidy <- make_annotations_tidy(annotations) 
#> Warning: attributes are not identical across measure variables;
#> they will be dropped
annot_tidy %>% group_by(feature, value) %>% tally()
#> # A tibble: 31 x 3
#> # Groups:   feature [6]
#>    feature value             n
#>    <chr>   <fct>         <int>
#>  1 F1      ""              151
#>  2 F1      None           1326
#>  3 F1      intralaminar   3895
#>  4 F1      translaminar   8970
#>  5 F2      ""              175
#>  6 F2      None           1326
#>  7 F2      intracolumnar  7660
#>  8 F2      transcolumnar  5181
#>  9 F3      ""              254
#> 10 F3      None           1326
#> # … with 21 more rows
# library(ggplot2)
ggplot(annot_tidy, aes(x = value, color = feature)) + geom_bar() + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1))

  • Only consider cells with above > 30 neurocientists agreeing on a specific label
annot_tidy <- make_annotations_tidy(annotations) 
#> Warning: attributes are not identical across measure variables;
#> they will be dropped
above30 <- annot_tidy %>% group_by(neuron, feature, value) %>% tally() %>% filter(n > 30)
above30 %>% group_by(feature) %>% summarize(n_distinct(neuron))  
#> # A tibble: 6 x 2
#>   feature `n_distinct(neuron)`
#>   <chr>                  <int>
#> 1 F1                       237
#> 2 F2                       240
#> 3 F3                       216
#> 4 F4                       219
#> 5 F5                        57
#> 6 F6                       305
  • Restrict analysis to unrotated, monkey cells
monkey <- metadata %>% filter(species == 'Monkey')
counts <- get_all_counts_meta(folder)
#> Warning: attributes are not identical across measure variables;
#> they will be dropped
counts %>% filter(species == 'Monkey') 
#> # A tibble: 68 x 26
#>    neuron intralaminar translaminar intracolumnar transcolumnar centered
#>    <fct>         <int>        <int>         <int>         <int>    <int>
#>  1 1                44            2            44             0       44
#>  2 6                45            1            45             0       44
#>  3 9                 4           43             8            38       30
#>  4 12                9           35             1            44       35
#>  5 14                1           43            45             0       27
#>  6 22                2           39            41             1        4
#>  7 27               18           27            44             1       39
#>  8 28                1           40            39             3        1
#>  9 33               34            9            41             1       31
#> 10 37               37            0            36             0       30
#> # … with 58 more rows, and 20 more variables: displaced <int>,
#> #   ascending <int>, both <int>, descending <int>, arcade <int>,
#> #   `Cajal-Retzius` <int>, chandelier <int>, `common basket` <int>,
#> #   `common type` <int>, `horse-tail` <int>, `large basket` <int>,
#> #   Martinotti <int>, neurogliaform <int>, other <int>,
#> #   characterized <int>, uncharacterized <int>, species <fct>, area <fct>,
#> #   layer <fct>, rotated <lgl>

Alternative type names

  • 27 out of 48 neuroscientists provided alternative type names for the cells
#> [1] 27
#>  [1] 1  4  7  9  13 14 15 18 19 23 24 25 26 27 29 30 31 34 35 36 37 39 40
#> [24] 41 43 44 48
#> 27 Levels: 1 4 7 9 13 14 15 18 19 23 24 25 26 27 29 30 31 34 35 36 ... 48
  • How many alternative types per neuroscientist? How many other cells per neuroscientist?
types <- alternative %>% group_by(annotator) %>% tally()
other <- annotations %>% group_by(annotator) %>% filter(F5 == 'other') %>% tally()
ggplot(data.frame(types = types$n, cells = other$n), aes(x = types, y = cells)) + geom_point()

  • Words used in alternative types and definitions:
    • The most common word is `bitufted’
#> Loading required package: RColorBrewer
alt <- alternative 
alt$type <- as.character(alternative$type ) 
alt <- alt %>% unnest_tokens(type, type)
alt %>%  count(type, sort = TRUE)      
#> # A tibble: 271 x 2
#>    type           n
#>    <chr>      <int>
#>  1 bitufted      44
#>  2 arbor         38
#>  3 bipolar       38
#>  4 with          36
#>  5 be            35
#>  6 could         30
#>  7 martinotti    29
#>  8 cell          28
#>  9 a             26
#> 10 axonal        25
#> # … with 261 more rows
alt %>%  count(type, sort = TRUE)      %>%  with(wordcloud(type, n, random.order = FALSE, max.words = 50 , colors= brewer.pal(8,"Dark2")))

alt <- alternative 
alt$definition <- as.character(alternative$definition )   
alt <- alt %>% unnest_tokens(definition, definition)
alt <- alt %>% anti_join(get_stopwords(), by = c("definition" = "word"))
alt %>%  count(definition, sort = TRUE)      
#> # A tibble: 427 x 2
#>    definition     n
#>    <chr>      <int>
#>  1 axonal        37
#>  2 cells         30
#>  3 cell          25
#>  4 see           22
#>  5 layer         20
#>  6 soma          18
#>  7 arbor         15
#>  8 domain        15
#>  9 layers        14
#> 10 dendritic     13
#> # … with 417 more rows
alt %>%  count(definition, sort = TRUE)      %>%  with(wordcloud(definition, n, random.order = FALSE, max.words = 50 , colors= brewer.pal(8,"Dark2")))


Easily access the gardener's classification labels for interneurons






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