A basic program to show off some 3D collision methods.
For anyone who sees this and is interested in using it, its still a work in progress and is subject to change. I have not kept consistent naming conventions, etc because I am still working on it. If you wait a few days I should finish it up with comments and everything, maybe a week max?
For anyone interested here is an excellent free PDF book on collision: http://www.r-5.org/files/books/computers/algo-list/realtime-3d/Christer_Ericson-Real-Time_Collision_Detection-EN.pdf
Sphere-Sphere , Sphere-Capsule , Sphere-OBB , Sphere-Triangle , Y-AxisBoundCapsule-YAxisBoundCapsule (character) , Capsule-Capsule , Caspule-OBB , Capsule-Y-AxisBoundCapsule , OBB-OBB
To be added:
Physics of momentum.
Capsule-Triangle , OBB-Triangle ,
What will NOT be included:
Collision response incorporating rotations based on force. Basic collision response and momentum will be included, but the objects will not rotate based on collision, as that math is out of scope of what I want to use this for, and is probably high level college maths lol.