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NERSC Job Submission

Sindhujha Kumaran edited this page Jul 22, 2024 · 10 revisions


NERSC maintains a fairly detailed set of documentation pages on how to submit jobs, monitor jobs, cluster resources, etc. which can be found here:

However it is a lot of information and can get fairly technical, so this page is designed to distill down some of that information to get a quick start for submitting jobs on Perlmutter. This page is aimed at relatively small workflows and for developing code, it is not designed to run large scale production. Additionally here is a link to some slides on job submission from the NERSC New Users training

NERSC uses Slurm for cluster/resource management and job scheduling. Slurm is responsible for allocating resources to users, providing a framework for starting, executing and monitoring work on allocated resources and scheduling work for future execution [copied from NERSC docs]. So if you are familiar with Slurm, then a lot of this will feel familiar.

Jobs are submitted to the queue using a job script that defines all the resources needed and the commands to run. Additionally, a compute node can be requested and used interactively with a shell similar to the login nodes.

When running jobs on NERSC (interactively or submitting to the queue) an account to charge the computing hours needs to be specified. The account is different for CPU-only and GPU jobs, and for DUNE they are the following: CPU: dune and GPU: dune_g

Jobs are submitted to different queues depending on the queue constraints and the user's desired outcomes. Each queue corresponds to a "Quality of Service" (QOS): Each queue has a different service level in terms of priority, run and submit limits, walltime limits, node-count limits, and cost. At NERSC, the terms "queue" and "QOS" are often used interchangeably [copied from NERSC docs].

Furthermore, it is suggested to also take a look at the NERSC best practices page for how to effectively use NERSC and not slow down the system for everyone.

Which Queue to Use

NERSC lists twelve different available queues in the documentation, but for nearly all expected 2x2 development/work there are only a few that are relevant. These are the interactive and regular queues and their shared equivalents.

If you need an interactive terminal/shell, then the correct queue is to submit to interactive or shared_interactive (specifying in the constraint if the job is CPU-only or needs GPUs).

For jobs submitted to the batch system, the shared queue should be used rather than regular for most applications (this kind of contradicts the NERSC docs). If you think your job needs the resources offered by entire nodes please ask for advice from the production team.

The other queues are for more specialized purposes or requirements, and are unlikely to be needed for typical 2x2 uses. If your NERSC allocation is exhausted, do not use the overrun queue, contact Matt or Callum.

Interactive Jobs

An interactive job gives you a shell on a compute node for the time requested and allows you to use the compute node as you would any login node. This is quite useful for debugging the environment and seeing if code will run or development when running small jobs (or infrequent jobs).

Request an interactive GPU session like so: salloc --nodes 1 --qos interactive --time XX:00:00 --constraint gpu --gpus 1 --account=dune_g Be sure to specify the time, which is requested as HH:MM:SS. In this example it requests a node with a GPU and charges the DUNE allocation for the hours. Additionally see the larnd-sim example for running interactively.

There are a mix of nodes with 40 GB and 80 GB GPUs available on Perlmutter and you may find the 40 GB GPU is not enough when running larnd-sim. To specifically request an 80 GB GPU node use the following constraint: -C 'gpu&hbm80g' (or as a long option --constraint 'gpu&hbm80g').

Request an interactive CPU-only session like so: salloc --nodes 1 --qos interactive --time XX:00:00 --constraint cpu --account=dune

See the NERSC page on interactive jobs for more info.

Job Scripts

The top-level NERSC page on running jobs gives a good overview, but the following hopefully expands upon it and gives a more complete example. A job script starts out with a shell invocation (the shebang) and a number of Slurm directives #SBATCH that define the resources for the job. The NERSC docs list some of the most common options and the Slurm documentation contains the full list, with a (maybe) helpful summary page here.

NERSC has a page that can generate a basic job script for you that will simply submit another script (or executable) to the batch system. This script declares what resources the job needs and what commands or other scripts/executables to run. However the script generator assumes you need the entire node regardless of how many threads or GPUs you are actually using, and thus may need some minor editing to request accurate resources.

Generally NERSC recommends writing a separate script for all the actual commands, code, simulation, etc. that you want to run compared to the script that submits the job. This way both scripts can be modified separately and is more flexible.

One thing to note is that your script must be set to be executable (have executable permissions) for this to work, otherwise you will get a Permission denied error from Slurm.

Shared Queue

For tasks that need a small amount of resources, e.g. 16 or fewer threads or 1-2 GPUs, there is a shared queue that can be used rather than requesting an entire 256 core machine to run a single-threaded program.

Job scripts are submitted to the queue using the sbatch command. Here is an example of a job that only needs a single CPU thread and no GPU that uses the shared QOS:

#Submit to shared queue
#SBATCH --qos=shared

#Only need CPU resources (no GPU)
#SBATCH --constraint=cpu

#Name of the job

#Charge to DUNE account
#SBATCH --account=dune

#Request a max time of 4 hours
#SBATCH --time=4:00:00

#Need only a single node
#SBATCH --nodes=1

#Only running a single task
#SBATCH --ntasks=1

#Request 4 GB of memory
#SBATCH --mem=4GB

#Store job output information in a file
#SBATCH --output=/path/to/physics_job.log

#Script or commands to run
srun /path/to/ --flag 999

Once the job script is ready, it can be sent to the queue using the sbatch command. It can be used with no command line options/flags which uses the directives in the script or default values. sbatch

You can also supply flags to the sbatch command to define/request resources. Values specified on the command line will take precedence or overwrite values specified in the script. sbatch --time=6:00:00

The same shared queue can be used to request GPU nodes, and should be used when only 1 or 2 GPUs are needed (e.g. a single larnd-sim run). The changes would be to set the constraint to GPU, define the number of GPUs needed, and set the account for the GPU allocation. For example:

#Need a GPU node
#SBATCH --constraint=gpu

#Request a single GPU
#SBATCH --gpus-per-task=1

#Change account to charge for GPUs
#SBATCH --account=dune_g

Regular Queue

The shared queue will work for most development tasks, but sometimes more power is needed (e.g. production) and the regular queue will allow for entire nodes to be exclusively requested. The following is an example pulled from the NERSC job script generator (which is annotated):


#Ask for one node

#Need only cpu resources (no gpu)
#SBATCH -C cpu

#Submit to regular queue
#SBATCH -q regular

#Name of the job

#Charge to DUNE account
#SBATCH -A dune

#Ask for 2 hours of walltime
#SBATCH -t 2:00:0

# Only needed if code uses OpenMP
# but also harmless to export
# OpenMP settings:
export OMP_PLACES=threads
export OMP_PROC_BIND=spread

#run a multi-threaded application in a single process using all 256 cores: 
srun -n 1 -c 256 --cpu_bind=cores /path/to/ --flags 123

# OR:

# run a single-threaded application in 256 parallel processes (tasks):
srun -n 256 -c 1 /path/to/ --flags 123

This script will submit a job for one node (with all its resources) that runs the script with some flags to the regular queue and using the DUNE allocation.

If you want to have each task process a separate input file, you can use (for a single-node job) the SLURM_LOCALID environment variable, which runs from 0 to tasks_per_node - 1. This can be used as an index into an array of input paths. A generalization for multi-node jobs is $((SLURM_NODEID*SLURM_NTASKS_PER_NODE + SLURM_LOCALID)).

Another example is below using the long form of the options but is otherwise very similar. See the top-level NERSC page on running jobs for the list of options and their descriptions.


#Need to request gpu resources
#SBATCH --constraint=gpu

#Submit to regular queue (also can try debug queue)
#SBATCH --qos=regular

#Name of the job
#SBATCH --job-name=ABC_TEST

#Charge to DUNE account
#SBATCH --account=dune

#Ask for 2 hours of walltime
#SBATCH --time=2:00:0

#Ask for one node (commonly passed to srun directly)
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --ntasks=1
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=256
#SBATCH --gpus=4
#Not sure why the NERSC generator asks for all 256 even if
#only one thread is specified. Might be able to specify fewer.

#The above options are passed to the srun command

# Only needed if code uses OpenMP
# but also harmless to export
# OpenMP settings:
export OMP_PLACES=threads
export OMP_PROC_BIND=spread

#run the application
#the -o flag specifies a file to store the job output/log from SLURM
srun -o /path/to/job_log_output1.txt /path/to/ --flags 123

#can also run another job with different inputs
#these jobs will run in serial (make sure you ask for enough time)
srun -o /path/to/job_log_output2.txt /path/to/ --flags 456

Debug Queue

For developing and testing your code and if the job scripts will run on the compute nodes, there is a specific queue (QOS) called debug that has a max runtime of 30 minutes. This can be useful if the regular queue has a long wait time, and to specify the debug QOS: --qos=debug.

The debug queue is for testing jobs that will eventually run using the regular queue. If your job is going to run using the shared queue, use that as well for testing if the job will run (maybe with a small(er) walltime to reduce the wait time).

File transfer / storage / scratch

Each user on Perlmutter has a large, temporary storage space called "scratch" that is optimized for file transfer and I/O. Your scratch space can be accessed with the environment variable $SCRATCH (or $PSCRATCH). Files in scratch not accessed for 8 weeks will be automatically purged, with a record left behind of the purged filenames (the file itself is lost); you can see these records using ls $SCRATCH/.purged*.

As a general best practice, users should do production runs from $SCRATCH instead of $HOME. $HOME is meant for permanent and relatively small storage, and it is not tuned to perform well for parallel jobs. $HOME is perfect for storing files such as source codes and shell scripts, etc. Additionally as part of the DUNE project there is a DUNE project space available to store files, code, etc. You can create a directory at /global/cfs/projectdirs/dune/users/.

$SCRATCH is meant for large and temporary storage. It is optimized for read and write operations, and is accessible from all Perlmutter compute nodes. $SCRATCH is perfect for staging data and performing parallel computations.

Job monitoring (and cancelling)

The NERSC page on monitoring is quite clear with all the options to monitor your jobs, and even how to login to the nodes where your jobs are running if needed. A few of the most common bits from the page are copied/paraphrased here.

Since NERSC uses SLURM, squeue is the base command for job monitoring and can be used as-is if you are already familiar. NERSC also has a wrapper around squeue called sqs that by default shows the status (and some additional info) about your jobs, and it accepts all the same flags as squeue.

As an optional directive when submitting jobs, an email alert can be setup to be sent when the job starts, ends, or fails. The #SBATCH options are the following:

#SBATCH --mail-type=begin,end,fail
#SBATCH [email protected]

Jobs can be cancelled using the scancel command which kills job(s) based on the $JobID. The $JobID can be found using sqs or squeue (and some other methods) and then used to kill a job (or multiple) like so: scancel $JobID1 $JobID2


Jobs can be run in containers to provide an environment or other necessary programs. The container needs to be part of the NERSC container registry, and NERSC only supports Shifter and Podman-HPC as container technologies (note that Singularity/Apptainer is not supported). To use a container you need to request it as part of the SBATCH options in the job submission script and then add the container runtime to the commands in the script.

#Same options as before
#SBATCH --qos=shared
#SBATCH --constraint=cpu
#SBATCH --account=dune
#SBATCH --time=4:00:00
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --ntasks=1
#SBATCH --mem=4GB
#SBATCH --output=/path/to/physics_job.log

#Request container image from the NERSC registry
#SBATCH --image=registry/image:tag

#Script or commands to run
#Note the addition of shifter as part of the command preceding the python invocation
srun shifter python

Containers can be used in interaction jobs by adding the --image flag as part of the salloc request. For example:

salloc -N 1 -t 60 -C cpu -q interactive --image=registry/image:tag

Container to Run a Jupyter Kernel

shifter --image=<imgname> python3 -m ipykernel install --prefix $HOME/.local --name env --display-name MyEnvironment

Go to kernel.json it displays and add these two lines before python3 path:
