- You must install Node.js with NPM, it can be downloaded from there: https://nodejs.org/en/.
- After that you can download Angular Cli by simply typing in CMD "npm install -g @angular/cli".
- Next you must open CMD and go to application "frontend" folder.
- There you can type in console "npm install".
- To start application type "ng serve" while you're in "frontend" folder.
- Now you can open your browser and go to "localhost:4200".
First install:
- OpenJDK 11.0.3 2019-04-16
- OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 11.0.3+4)
- Intellij IDEA 2019.1+
If you already had Java installed, modify you JAVA_HOME environmental variable to include newly installed JRE version.
Open terminal and run:
myslq -u root -p
In db console run:
CREATE USER `user`@`localhost` IDENTIFIED BY `Admin123`;
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON inzynierka.* TO `user`@`localhost`
Initialization of database ( data and schema have to be initialized before server starting )
Find mariadb/mysql executable ( for example C:\Program Files(x86)\mariadb\bin\mariadb.exe )
Copy the path to the folder and open terminal ( for example git bash)
Find the path to schema.sql file by right clicking on the file from the tree view and choose
copy path
Now run from the console:
{path-to-mysql}\mariadb.exe --user=user --password=Admin123 -e "source {path-to-schema_proc-file}"
{path-to-mysql}\mariadb.exe --user=user --password=Admin123 < {path-to-schema_proc-file}
Run the same command with the data.sql
Install Intellij Ultimate Edition
Type ctrl+shift+a to find action and the type database
Add new datasource and select mariadb from dropdown list:
Now configure it in this way:
Find the schema.sql and data.sql files in project tree view ( alt+1) and
run them from context menu (option Run 'schema.sql'
and Run 'data.sql'
Install Database Navigator plugin in Intellij Community Edition:
to find actions and type plugins
Search in marketplace for Database Navigator, install it and restart intellij.
ctrl+shift+a DB navigator
and choose settings option
Copy to clipboard following xml and choose option showed above with pointing arrow.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<config id="57b56592-1607-43df-845c-ea180cb3669f" active="true">
<name value="Connection" />
<description value="" />
<database-type value="MYSQL" />
<config-type value="CUSTOM" />
<database-version value="5.5" />
<driver-source value="BUILTIN" />
<driver-library value="" />
<driver value="" />
<url value="jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/inzynierka?serverTimezone=Europe/Warsaw" />
<type value="USER_PASSWORD" />
<user value="user" />
<deprecated-pwd value="QWRtaW4xMjM=" />
<auto-commit value="false" />
<active value="false" />
<proxy-host value="" />
<proxy-port value="22" />
<proxy-user value="" />
<deprecated-proxy-pwd value="" />
<auth-type value="PASSWORD" />
<key-file value="" />
<key-passphrase value="" />
<active value="false" />
<certificate-authority-file value="" />
<client-certificate-file value="" />
<client-key-file value="" />
<charset value="UTF-8" />
<session-management value="true" />
<ddl-file-binding value="true" />
<database-logging value="false" />
<connect-automatically value="true" />
<restore-workspace value="true" />
<restore-workspace-deep value="true" />
<environment-type value="default" />
<idle-time-to-disconnect value="60" />
<idle-time-to-disconnect-pool value="5" />
<credential-expiry-time value="30" />
<max-connection-pool-size value="7" />
<alternative-statement-delimiter value="" />
<object-filters hide-empty-schemas="false" hide-pseudo-columns="false">
<object-type-filter use-master-settings="true">
<object-type name="SCHEMA" enabled="true" />
<object-type name="USER" enabled="true" />
<object-type name="ROLE" enabled="true" />
<object-type name="PRIVILEGE" enabled="true" />
<object-type name="CHARSET" enabled="true" />
<object-type name="TABLE" enabled="true" />
<object-type name="VIEW" enabled="true" />
<object-type name="MATERIALIZED_VIEW" enabled="true" />
<object-type name="NESTED_TABLE" enabled="true" />
<object-type name="COLUMN" enabled="true" />
<object-type name="INDEX" enabled="true" />
<object-type name="CONSTRAINT" enabled="true" />
<object-type name="DATASET_TRIGGER" enabled="true" />
<object-type name="DATABASE_TRIGGER" enabled="true" />
<object-type name="SYNONYM" enabled="true" />
<object-type name="SEQUENCE" enabled="true" />
<object-type name="PROCEDURE" enabled="true" />
<object-type name="FUNCTION" enabled="true" />
<object-type name="PACKAGE" enabled="true" />
<object-type name="TYPE" enabled="true" />
<object-type name="TYPE_ATTRIBUTE" enabled="true" />
<object-type name="ARGUMENT" enabled="true" />
<object-type name="DIMENSION" enabled="true" />
<object-type name="CLUSTER" enabled="true" />
<object-type name="DBLINK" enabled="true" />
<object-name-filters />
Find the select Execute Sql Script
Configure it like this and run:
To create tables
(it might be also used to clear data)
{mariadb-executable} --user=user --password=Admin123 -e "call inzynierka.create_database"
To clear data
{mariadb-executable} --user=user --password=Admin123 -e "call inzynierka.clear_data"
To refresh data
(after execution the database will only contain data that were added with inserts procedures)
{mariadb-executable} --user=user --password=Admin123 -e "call inzynierka.refresh_data"
To start project:
Find path of org.springframework:spring-instrument:5.1.9.RELEASE library jar and paste it into VM options of start configuration like this: -javaagent:{{path}}
Now find file InzynierkaApplication.java and click on green arrow to start server application like this