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Web application that supports self-advertisement of companies

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Repository files navigation

CompanyAdvertisementApp (FirmyDM)


1. Home page

2. Register form

3. Login form

4. User data form

5. Logged user

6. Simple search

7. Advanced search

8. Branch map

9. Company form with added branch

10. Branch form

11. Comment form

12. Company profile

13. Branch profile

14. Favourite branches

15. Form validation

16. User company list

17. Newsletter form

18. Html editor in newsletter form(GrapesJS)

19. Newsletters already sent

20. Subscribe to the newsletter(guest)

21. Subscribe to the newsletter(user)

22. Newsletter sent to facebook

23. Newsletter sent to email(html)

24. Register check on email


  1. You must install Node.js with NPM, it can be downloaded from there:
  2. After that you can download Angular Cli by simply typing in CMD "npm install -g @angular/cli".
  3. Next you must open CMD and go to application "frontend" folder.
  4. There you can type in console "npm install".
  5. To start application type "ng serve" while you're in "frontend" folder.
  6. Now you can open your browser and go to "localhost:4200".


First install:

  • OpenJDK 11.0.3 2019-04-16
  • OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 11.0.3+4)
  • Intellij IDEA 2019.1+

If you already had Java installed, modify you JAVA_HOME environmental variable to include newly installed JRE version.



Open terminal and run:

myslq -u root -p

In db console run:

CREATE USER `user`@`localhost` IDENTIFIED BY `Admin123`; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON inzynierka.* TO `user`@`localhost`

Initialization of database ( data and schema have to be initialized before server starting )


Find mariadb/mysql executable ( for example C:\Program Files(x86)\mariadb\bin\mariadb.exe )
Copy the path to the folder and open terminal ( for example git bash)

Find the path to schema.sql file by right clicking on the file from the tree view and choose copy path option.

Alt text

Now run from the console:

{path-to-mysql}\mariadb.exe --user=user --password=Admin123 -e "source {path-to-schema_proc-file}"
{path-to-mysql}\mariadb.exe --user=user --password=Admin123 < {path-to-schema_proc-file}

Run the same command with the data.sql


Install Intellij Ultimate Edition

Type ctrl+shift+a to find action and the type database

Alt text

Add new datasource and select mariadb from dropdown list:

Alt text

Now configure it in this way:

Alt text

Find the schema.sql and data.sql files in project tree view ( alt+1) and run them from context menu (option Run 'schema.sql' and Run 'data.sql' respectively)


Install Database Navigator plugin in Intellij Community Edition:

ctrl+shift+a to find actions and type plugins
Search in marketplace for Database Navigator, install it and restart intellij.

ctrl+shift+a DB navigator and choose settings option

Alt text

Copy to clipboard following xml and choose option showed above with pointing arrow.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <config id="57b56592-1607-43df-845c-ea180cb3669f" active="true">
      <name value="Connection" />
      <description value="" />
      <database-type value="MYSQL" />
      <config-type value="CUSTOM" />
      <database-version value="5.5" />
      <driver-source value="BUILTIN" />
      <driver-library value="" />
      <driver value="" />
      <url value="jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/inzynierka?serverTimezone=Europe/Warsaw" />
      <type value="USER_PASSWORD" />
      <user value="user" />
      <deprecated-pwd value="QWRtaW4xMjM=" />
      <auto-commit value="false" />
      <active value="false" />
      <proxy-host value="" />
      <proxy-port value="22" />
      <proxy-user value="" />
      <deprecated-proxy-pwd value="" />
      <auth-type value="PASSWORD" />
      <key-file value="" />
      <key-passphrase value="" />
      <active value="false" />
      <certificate-authority-file value="" />
      <client-certificate-file value="" />
      <client-key-file value="" />
      <charset value="UTF-8" />
      <session-management value="true" />
      <ddl-file-binding value="true" />
      <database-logging value="false" />
      <connect-automatically value="true" />
      <restore-workspace value="true" />
      <restore-workspace-deep value="true" />
      <environment-type value="default" />
      <idle-time-to-disconnect value="60" />
      <idle-time-to-disconnect-pool value="5" />
      <credential-expiry-time value="30" />
      <max-connection-pool-size value="7" />
      <alternative-statement-delimiter value="" />
    <object-filters hide-empty-schemas="false" hide-pseudo-columns="false">
      <object-type-filter use-master-settings="true">
        <object-type name="SCHEMA" enabled="true" />
        <object-type name="USER" enabled="true" />
        <object-type name="ROLE" enabled="true" />
        <object-type name="PRIVILEGE" enabled="true" />
        <object-type name="CHARSET" enabled="true" />
        <object-type name="TABLE" enabled="true" />
        <object-type name="VIEW" enabled="true" />
        <object-type name="MATERIALIZED_VIEW" enabled="true" />
        <object-type name="NESTED_TABLE" enabled="true" />
        <object-type name="COLUMN" enabled="true" />
        <object-type name="INDEX" enabled="true" />
        <object-type name="CONSTRAINT" enabled="true" />
        <object-type name="DATASET_TRIGGER" enabled="true" />
        <object-type name="DATABASE_TRIGGER" enabled="true" />
        <object-type name="SYNONYM" enabled="true" />
        <object-type name="SEQUENCE" enabled="true" />
        <object-type name="PROCEDURE" enabled="true" />
        <object-type name="FUNCTION" enabled="true" />
        <object-type name="PACKAGE" enabled="true" />
        <object-type name="TYPE" enabled="true" />
        <object-type name="TYPE_ATTRIBUTE" enabled="true" />
        <object-type name="ARGUMENT" enabled="true" />
        <object-type name="DIMENSION" enabled="true" />
        <object-type name="CLUSTER" enabled="true" />
        <object-type name="DBLINK" enabled="true" />
      <object-name-filters />

Find the select Execute Sql Script option. Configure it like this and run:

Alt text

Database operations

To create tables (it might be also used to clear data)

{mariadb-executable} --user=user --password=Admin123 -e "call inzynierka.create_database"

To clear data

{mariadb-executable} --user=user --password=Admin123 -e "call inzynierka.clear_data"

To refresh data (after execution the database will only contain data that were added with inserts procedures)

{mariadb-executable} --user=user --password=Admin123 -e "call inzynierka.refresh_data"

To start project:

Find path of org.springframework:spring-instrument:5.1.9.RELEASE library jar and paste it into VM options of start configuration like this: -javaagent:{{path}}

JVM configuration

Now find file and click on green arrow to start server application like this

Start server


Web application that supports self-advertisement of companies






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