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PHP Stanford CoreNLP adapter

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PHP adapter for use with Stanford CoreNLP


  • Connect to Stanford University CoreNLP API online
  • Connect to Stanford CoreNLP 3.7.0 server
  • Annotators available: tokenize,ssplit,pos, parse, depparse, ner, regexner,lemma, mention, natlog, coref, openie, kbp
  • The package creates Part-Of-Speech Trees with depth, parent- and child ID


  • PHP 5.5 or higher: it also works on PHP 7
  • Windows or Linux 64-bit, 8Gb memory or more recommended
  • Either Guzzle HTTP Client (installed by default) or only cURL.
  • Composer for PHP

Update 24th February 2018

PHP7 Type hinting removed, because it was causing issues for some users.

Update 28th January 2019

Fixed issue with PHP 7.1 upwards

Installation using ZIP files

  • Install Stanford CoreNLP Server. See the installation walkthrough below.
  • Download and unpack the files from this package.
  • Copy the files to your to your webserver directory. Usually "htdocs" or "var/www".
  • Run a Composer update

Installation using Composer

  • Insert the following line into the "require" of your "composer.json" file.
        "require": {
            "dennis-de-swart/php-stanford-corenlp-adapter": "*"
  • Run a composer update

Using the Stanford CoreNLP online API service

The adapter by default uses Stanford's online API service. This should work right after the composer update. Note that the online API is a public service. If you want to analyze large volumes of text or sensitive data, please install the Java server version.


OpenIE creates "subject-relation-object" tuples. This is similar (but not the same) as the "Subject-Verb-Object" concept of the English language.


  • OpenIE is only available on the Java offline version, not with the "online" mode. See the installation walkthrough below
  • OpenIE data is not always available. Sometimes the result array might show empty, this is not an error.

Installation / Walkthrough for Java server version

Step 1: install Java

Step 2: installing the Stanford CoreNLP 3.7.0 server

Step 3: Port for server

Default port for the Java server is port 9000. If port 9000 is not available you can change the port in the "bootstrap.php" file. Example:

define('CURLURL' , 'http://localhost:9000/');

Step 4: Start the CoreNLP serve from the command line.

Go to the download directory, then enter the following command:

java -mx8g -cp "*" edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.StanfordCoreNLPServer -port 9000

Important note: the Stanford manual says "-mx4g", however I found that this can lead to a Java OutOfMemory error. It is also important to use a 64-bit operating system with at enough memory (8Gb or more recommended)

Step 5: Test if the server has started by surfing to it's URL


When you surf to this URL, you should see the CoreNLP GUI. If you have problems with installation you can check the manual:


In "bootstrap.php" set define('ONLINE_API' , FALSE). This tells the Adapter to use the Java version

Usage examples

Instantiate the adapter:

$coreNLP = new CorenlpAdapter();

To process a text, call the "getOutput" method:

 $text = 'The Golden Gate Bridge was designed by Joseph Strauss.'; 

Note that the first time that you process a text, the server takes about 20 to 30 seconds extra to load definitions. All other calls to the server after that will be much faster. Small texts are usually processed within seconds.

The results

If successful the following properties will be available:

 $coreNLP->serverMemory;      //contains all of the server output
 $coreNLP->trees;             //contains processed flat trees. Each part of the tree is assigned an ID key
 $coreNLP->getWordValues($coreNLP->trees[1])  // get just the words from a tree

Diagram A: Tree With Tokens

   [1] => Array
           [parent] => 
           [pennTreebankTag] => ROOT
           [depth] => 0

   [2] => Array
           [parent] => 1
           [pennTreebankTag] => S
           [depth] => 2

   [3] => Array
           [parent] => 2
           [pennTreebankTag] => NP
           [depth] => 4

   [4] => Array
           [parent] => 3
           [pennTreebankTag] => PRP
           [depth] => 6
           [word] => I
           [index] => 1
           [originalText] => I
           [lemma] => I
           [characterOffsetBegin] => 0
           [characterOffsetEnd] => 1
           [pos] => PRP
           [ner] => O
           [before] => 
           [after] =>  
           [openIE] => Array
                   [0] => subject
                   [1] => subject
                   [2] => subject


   [5] => Array
           [parent] => 2
           [pennTreebankTag] => VP
           [depth] => 4

   [6] => Array
           [parent] => 5
           [pennTreebankTag] => MD
           [depth] => 6
           [word] => will
           [index] => 2
           [originalText] => will
           [lemma] => will
           [characterOffsetBegin] => 2
           [characterOffsetEnd] => 6
           [pos] => MD
           [ner] => O
           [before] =>  
           [after] =>  
           [openIE] => Array
                   [0] => subject
                   [1] => subject
                   [2] => relation


   [7] => Array
           [parent] => 5
           [pennTreebankTag] => VP
           [depth] => 6

   [8] => Array
           [parent] => 7
           [pennTreebankTag] => VB
           [depth] => 8
           [word] => meet
           [index] => 3
           [originalText] => meet
           [lemma] => meet
           [characterOffsetBegin] => 7
           [characterOffsetEnd] => 11
           [pos] => VB
           [ner] => O
           [before] =>  
           [after] =>  
           [openIE] => Array
                   [0] => subject
                   [1] => subject
                   [2] => relation


   [9] => Array
           [parent] => 7
           [pennTreebankTag] => NP
           [depth] => 8

   [10] => Array
           [parent] => 9
           [pennTreebankTag] => NP
           [depth] => 10

   [11] => Array
           [parent] => 10
           [pennTreebankTag] => NNP
           [depth] => 12
           [word] => Mary
           [index] => 4
           [originalText] => Mary
           [lemma] => Mary
           [characterOffsetBegin] => 12
           [characterOffsetEnd] => 16
           [pos] => NNP
           [ner] => PERSON
           [before] =>  
           [after] =>  
           [openIE] => Array
                   [1] => subject
                   [2] => object
                   [3] => subject
                   [0] => subject


   [12] => Array
           [parent] => 9
           [pennTreebankTag] => PP
           [depth] => 10

   [13] => Array
           [parent] => 12
           [pennTreebankTag] => IN
           [depth] => 12
           [word] => in
           [index] => 5
           [originalText] => in
           [lemma] => in
           [characterOffsetBegin] => 17
           [characterOffsetEnd] => 19
           [pos] => IN
           [ner] => O
           [before] =>  
           [after] =>  
           [openIE] => Array
                   [1] => relation
                   [3] => relation
                   [0] => relation


   [14] => Array
           [parent] => 12
           [pennTreebankTag] => NP
           [depth] => 12

   [15] => Array
           [parent] => 14
           [pennTreebankTag] => NNP
           [depth] => 14
           [word] => New
           [index] => 6
           [originalText] => New
           [lemma] => New
           [characterOffsetBegin] => 20
           [characterOffsetEnd] => 23
           [pos] => NNP
           [ner] => LOCATION
           [before] =>  
           [after] =>  
           [openIE] => Array
                   [1] => relation
                   [3] => object
                   [0] => object


   [16] => Array
           [parent] => 14
           [pennTreebankTag] => NNP
           [depth] => 14
           [word] => York
           [index] => 7
           [originalText] => York
           [lemma] => York
           [characterOffsetBegin] => 24
           [characterOffsetEnd] => 28
           [pos] => NNP
           [ner] => LOCATION
           [before] =>  
           [after] =>  
           [openIE] => Array
                   [1] => object
                   [3] => object


   [17] => Array
           [parent] => 7
           [pennTreebankTag] => PP
           [depth] => 8

   [18] => Array
           [parent] => 17
           [pennTreebankTag] => IN
           [depth] => 10
           [word] => at
           [index] => 8
           [originalText] => at
           [lemma] => at
           [characterOffsetBegin] => 29
           [characterOffsetEnd] => 31
           [pos] => IN
           [ner] => O
           [before] =>  
           [after] =>  
           [openIE] => Array
                   [1] => object


   [19] => Array
           [parent] => 17
           [pennTreebankTag] => NP
           [depth] => 10

   [20] => Array
           [parent] => 19
           [pennTreebankTag] => CD
           [depth] => 12
           [word] => 10pm
           [index] => 9
           [originalText] => 10pm
           [lemma] => 10pm
           [characterOffsetBegin] => 32
           [characterOffsetEnd] => 36
           [pos] => CD
           [ner] => TIME
           [normalizedNER] => T22:00
           [before] =>  
           [after] => 
           [timex] => Array
                   [tid] => t1
                   [type] => TIME
                   [value] => T22:00

           [openIE] => Array
                   [0] => object
                   [1] => object



Diagram B: The ServerMemory contains all the server data

    [0] => Array
            [sentences] => Array
                    [0] => Array
                            [index] => 0
                            [parse] => (ROOT
    (NP (PRP I))
    (VP (MD will)
      (VP (VB meet)
          (NP (NNP Mary))
          (PP (IN in)
            (NP (NNP New) (NNP York))))
        (PP (IN at)
          (NP (CD 10pm)))))))
                            [basic-dependencies] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [dep] => ROOT
                                            [governor] => 0
                                            [governorGloss] => ROOT
                                            [dependent] => 3
                                            [dependentGloss] => meet

                                    [1] => Array
                                            [dep] => nsubj
                                            [governor] => 3
                                            [governorGloss] => meet
                                            [dependent] => 1
                                            [dependentGloss] => I

                                    [2] => Array
                                            [dep] => aux
                                            [governor] => 3
                                            [governorGloss] => meet
                                            [dependent] => 2
                                            [dependentGloss] => will

                                    [3] => Array
                                            [dep] => dobj
                                            [governor] => 3
                                            [governorGloss] => meet
                                            [dependent] => 4
                                            [dependentGloss] => Mary

                                    [4] => Array
                                            [dep] => case
                                            [governor] => 7
                                            [governorGloss] => York
                                            [dependent] => 5
                                            [dependentGloss] => in

                                    [5] => Array
                                            [dep] => compound
                                            [governor] => 7
                                            [governorGloss] => York
                                            [dependent] => 6
                                            [dependentGloss] => New

                                    [6] => Array
                                            [dep] => nmod
                                            [governor] => 4
                                            [governorGloss] => Mary
                                            [dependent] => 7
                                            [dependentGloss] => York

                                    [7] => Array
                                            [dep] => case
                                            [governor] => 9
                                            [governorGloss] => 10pm
                                            [dependent] => 8
                                            [dependentGloss] => at

                                    [8] => Array
                                            [dep] => nmod
                                            [governor] => 3
                                            [governorGloss] => meet
                                            [dependent] => 9
                                            [dependentGloss] => 10pm


                            [collapsed-dependencies] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [dep] => ROOT
                                            [governor] => 0
                                            [governorGloss] => ROOT
                                            [dependent] => 3
                                            [dependentGloss] => meet

                                    [1] => Array
                                            [dep] => nsubj
                                            [governor] => 3
                                            [governorGloss] => meet
                                            [dependent] => 1
                                            [dependentGloss] => I

                                    [2] => Array
                                            [dep] => aux
                                            [governor] => 3
                                            [governorGloss] => meet
                                            [dependent] => 2
                                            [dependentGloss] => will

                                    [3] => Array
                                            [dep] => dobj
                                            [governor] => 3
                                            [governorGloss] => meet
                                            [dependent] => 4
                                            [dependentGloss] => Mary

                                    [4] => Array
                                            [dep] => case
                                            [governor] => 7
                                            [governorGloss] => York
                                            [dependent] => 5
                                            [dependentGloss] => in

                                    [5] => Array
                                            [dep] => compound
                                            [governor] => 7
                                            [governorGloss] => York
                                            [dependent] => 6
                                            [dependentGloss] => New

                                    [6] => Array
                                            [dep] => nmod:in
                                            [governor] => 4
                                            [governorGloss] => Mary
                                            [dependent] => 7
                                            [dependentGloss] => York

                                    [7] => Array
                                            [dep] => case
                                            [governor] => 9
                                            [governorGloss] => 10pm
                                            [dependent] => 8
                                            [dependentGloss] => at

                                    [8] => Array
                                            [dep] => nmod:at
                                            [governor] => 3
                                            [governorGloss] => meet
                                            [dependent] => 9
                                            [dependentGloss] => 10pm


                            [collapsed-ccprocessed-dependencies] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [dep] => ROOT
                                            [governor] => 0
                                            [governorGloss] => ROOT
                                            [dependent] => 3
                                            [dependentGloss] => meet

                                    [1] => Array
                                            [dep] => nsubj
                                            [governor] => 3
                                            [governorGloss] => meet
                                            [dependent] => 1
                                            [dependentGloss] => I

                                    [2] => Array
                                            [dep] => aux
                                            [governor] => 3
                                            [governorGloss] => meet
                                            [dependent] => 2
                                            [dependentGloss] => will

                                    [3] => Array
                                            [dep] => dobj
                                            [governor] => 3
                                            [governorGloss] => meet
                                            [dependent] => 4
                                            [dependentGloss] => Mary

                                    [4] => Array
                                            [dep] => case
                                            [governor] => 7
                                            [governorGloss] => York
                                            [dependent] => 5
                                            [dependentGloss] => in

                                    [5] => Array
                                            [dep] => compound
                                            [governor] => 7
                                            [governorGloss] => York
                                            [dependent] => 6
                                            [dependentGloss] => New

                                    [6] => Array
                                            [dep] => nmod:in
                                            [governor] => 4
                                            [governorGloss] => Mary
                                            [dependent] => 7
                                            [dependentGloss] => York

                                    [7] => Array
                                            [dep] => case
                                            [governor] => 9
                                            [governorGloss] => 10pm
                                            [dependent] => 8
                                            [dependentGloss] => at

                                    [8] => Array
                                            [dep] => nmod:at
                                            [governor] => 3
                                            [governorGloss] => meet
                                            [dependent] => 9
                                            [dependentGloss] => 10pm


                            [openie] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [subject] => I
                                            [subjectSpan] => Array
                                                    [0] => 0
                                                    [1] => 1

                                            [relation] => will meet Mary at
                                            [relationSpan] => Array
                                                    [0] => 1
                                                    [1] => 3

                                            [object] => 10pm
                                            [objectSpan] => Array
                                                    [0] => 8
                                                    [1] => 9


                                    [1] => Array
                                            [subject] => I
                                            [subjectSpan] => Array
                                                    [0] => 0
                                                    [1] => 1

                                            [relation] => will meet
                                            [relationSpan] => Array
                                                    [0] => 1
                                                    [1] => 3

                                            [object] => Mary in New York
                                            [objectSpan] => Array
                                                    [0] => 3
                                                    [1] => 7


                                    [2] => Array
                                            [subject] => I
                                            [subjectSpan] => Array
                                                    [0] => 0
                                                    [1] => 1

                                            [relation] => will meet
                                            [relationSpan] => Array
                                                    [0] => 1
                                                    [1] => 3

                                            [object] => Mary
                                            [objectSpan] => Array
                                                    [0] => 3
                                                    [1] => 4


                                    [3] => Array
                                            [subject] => Mary
                                            [subjectSpan] => Array
                                                    [0] => 3
                                                    [1] => 4

                                            [relation] => is in
                                            [relationSpan] => Array
                                                    [0] => 4
                                                    [1] => 5

                                            [object] => New York
                                            [objectSpan] => Array
                                                    [0] => 5
                                                    [1] => 7



                            [tokens] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [index] => 1
                                            [word] => I
                                            [originalText] => I
                                            [lemma] => I
                                            [characterOffsetBegin] => 0
                                            [characterOffsetEnd] => 1
                                            [pos] => PRP
                                            [ner] => O
                                            [before] => 
                                            [after] =>  

                                    [1] => Array
                                            [index] => 2
                                            [word] => will
                                            [originalText] => will
                                            [lemma] => will
                                            [characterOffsetBegin] => 2
                                            [characterOffsetEnd] => 6
                                            [pos] => MD
                                            [ner] => O
                                            [before] =>  
                                            [after] =>  

                                    [2] => Array
                                            [index] => 3
                                            [word] => meet
                                            [originalText] => meet
                                            [lemma] => meet
                                            [characterOffsetBegin] => 7
                                            [characterOffsetEnd] => 11
                                            [pos] => VB
                                            [ner] => O
                                            [before] =>  
                                            [after] =>  

                                    [3] => Array
                                            [index] => 4
                                            [word] => Mary
                                            [originalText] => Mary
                                            [lemma] => Mary
                                            [characterOffsetBegin] => 12
                                            [characterOffsetEnd] => 16
                                            [pos] => NNP
                                            [ner] => PERSON
                                            [before] =>  
                                            [after] =>  

                                    [4] => Array
                                            [index] => 5
                                            [word] => in
                                            [originalText] => in
                                            [lemma] => in
                                            [characterOffsetBegin] => 17
                                            [characterOffsetEnd] => 19
                                            [pos] => IN
                                            [ner] => O
                                            [before] =>  
                                            [after] =>  

                                    [5] => Array
                                            [index] => 6
                                            [word] => New
                                            [originalText] => New
                                            [lemma] => New
                                            [characterOffsetBegin] => 20
                                            [characterOffsetEnd] => 23
                                            [pos] => NNP
                                            [ner] => LOCATION
                                            [before] =>  
                                            [after] =>  

                                    [6] => Array
                                            [index] => 7
                                            [word] => York
                                            [originalText] => York
                                            [lemma] => York
                                            [characterOffsetBegin] => 24
                                            [characterOffsetEnd] => 28
                                            [pos] => NNP
                                            [ner] => LOCATION
                                            [before] =>  
                                            [after] =>  

                                    [7] => Array
                                            [index] => 8
                                            [word] => at
                                            [originalText] => at
                                            [lemma] => at
                                            [characterOffsetBegin] => 29
                                            [characterOffsetEnd] => 31
                                            [pos] => IN
                                            [ner] => O
                                            [before] =>  
                                            [after] =>  

                                    [8] => Array
                                            [index] => 9
                                            [word] => 10pm
                                            [originalText] => 10pm
                                            [lemma] => 10pm
                                            [characterOffsetBegin] => 32
                                            [characterOffsetEnd] => 36
                                            [pos] => CD
                                            [ner] => TIME
                                            [normalizedNER] => T22:00
                                            [before] =>  
                                            [after] => 
                                            [timex] => Array
                                                    [tid] => t1
                                                    [type] => TIME
                                                    [value] => T22:00






Any questions?

Please let me know.


Some functions are forked from this "Stanford parser" package: