ActivateMe is a collaborative project designed to empower users in tracking their daily activities and fostering healthier lifestyle habits. With ActivateMe, users can effortlessly monitor their daily routines, including exercise, nutrition, sleep, and more, with the ultimate goal of enhancing productivity and overall well-being.
Activity Tracking: Easily record and monitor various daily activities, such as exercise routines, dietary habits, and sleep patterns.
Data Analysis: Gain insights into activity trends and patterns over time through comprehensive data visualization and analytics.
Time Management: Effectively manage daily schedules and prioritize tasks to optimize productivity and time utilization.
This web application is created with:
React - A JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
React Router DOM - Declarative routing for React.
Bootstrap - A popular CSS framework for building responsive and mobile-first websites.
Apollo Client - A comprehensive state management library for managing GraphQL operations in React applications.
GraphQL - A query language for your API, and a runtime for executing those queries with your existing data.
JWT Decode - A library for decoding JSON Web Tokens (JWTs).
EmailJS - Send email directly from your code – no server side code required.
Visit the Deployed Site
Sign Up/Login: Begin by creating an account or logging in to ActivateMe.
Dashboard: Upon signing up or logging in, you'll be directed to your personalized Dashboard.
Log Activities: Fill out your daily activities using the provided form, detailing your exercise routines, dietary intake, sleep patterns, and more. Ensure to submit your entries daily to maintain a comprehensive record of your habits over time.
- Pro Tip: Consistent logging enables you to gain insights into your daily, weekly, and monthly activities.
Dashboard Insights: Your Dashboard will showcase graphical representations of your logged activities, offering valuable insights into your daily routines and progress. Track your trends and patterns to make informed decisions about your lifestyle and productivity.
- Bogdan Tkachuk - Backend Developer
- Thomas Dossman - Frontend Developer
- Steve Pritchard - Project Initiator / Web Developer
- Lisa Lar - Frontend Developer
- Tucker McKee - Backend Developer
ActivateMe is licensed under the MIT License