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Custom Menu Banner

Alexander Schmid edited this page Dec 7, 2019 · 2 revisions

default banner pic

With alt:V NativeUI you can easily customize your menu. You can set a custom banner with the SetBannerType methods.

ResRectangle as Banner

rectangle banner pic Use this whenever you want a plain colored banner background. First you create a rectangle with your desired colors and then you call the SetBannerType method.

const menu = new NativeUI.Menu("NativeUI Test", "Test plain menu", new NativeUI.Point(50, 50));
//We only care about color for rectangle banner type, position & size is set automatically
var banner = new NativeUI.ResRectangle(new NativeUI.Point(0, 0), new NativeUI.Size(0,0), new NativeUI.Color(200, 200, 200, 255)); 

Game sprite as Banner

game sprite banner pic See Sprites List for a complete list of available sprites in GTA V.

Setting a sprite as the banner is as easy as the rectangle.

const menu = new NativeUI.Menu("", "You want that durty look?", new NativeUI.Point(50, 50));
var banner = new NativeUI.Sprite("shopui_title_barber", "shopui_title_barber", new NativeUI.Point(0, 0), new NativeUI.Size(0, 0));

Game sprite with rectangle (colored) background

game sprite banner pic This can be used whenever a sprite should be drawn on top of a colored rectangle.

const menu = new NativeUI.Menu("Shop", "Shit you need, almost free", new NativeUI.Point(50, 50));
var rectangle = new NativeUI.ResRectangle(new NativeUI.Point(0, 0), new NativeUI.Size(0,0), new NativeUI.Color(0, 0, 0, 255)); 
var banner = new NativeUI.Sprite("mpshops", "shopui_title_graphics_sale", new NativeUI.Point(0, 0), new NativeUI.Size(0, 0));

Custom Texture as Banner (not supported yet)

You can deliver your texture in a zip file with your mod or you can embed it in your dll.

myMenu.SetBannerType("scripts\\banner.png"); // Extracted from zip

myMenu.SetBannerType(Sprite.WriteFromResource(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(), "SolutionName.file.png");
// From resource

No Banner

no banner pic You can also remove the banner completely and only leave the subtitle. You will have to create a blank ResRectangle and offset the menu by -107 pixels high.

const menu = new NativeUI.Menu("", "Banner less menu", new NativeUI.Point(50, -57)); //Optional offset the menu -107 (banner height is 107) to have no offset at all