Introduce Byting Irish students to programming concepts and the Java programming language. By the end of the course, committed students should be able to write a basic program and should have enough understanding of classes and methods to follow the basic structure of the FRC robot code.
Students who have little to no programming background. If you feel comfortable with the concept of public and private methods and members and inheritance, then this course is probably too basic for you.
Over the eight weeks, students will complete the “Learn Java from Scratch” course that is free on There will be some deviations from the course to tailor to robotics. According to, the course takes around 12 hours to complete, meaning students should expect to spend about 1.5 to 2 hours on their own each week during the eight weeks.
In person meetings will be every Saturday, starting Oct. 1. Students meet for 2 hours with Byting Irish mentors Eric Lee, Scott Moser, and/or Don Stokes at the Media Center at FGR. The meetings will be 1-3pm. The last meeting is November 19.
Each meeting will start with a 20 to 30 minute “review/preview,” which will be a review of the material assigned the week prior and preview of the upcoming week’s material. The rest of the 2 hours will be like “office hours” where students can ask for help with the material, the programming exercises, work with partners, debug their code, etc.
Ideally, each student will have his/her own laptop that they can install WPILib (which includes a version of VS Code) and Github Desktop.
Students will also need to register for a free account
- VSCode shortcuts
- FGR Shared Folder
- Questions. Email all of the following: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
- Assignment 1 - Sept 24. to Oct 1, 2022
- Assignment 2 - Oct. 2 to Oct. 9, 2022
- Assignment 3 - Oct. 9 to Oct. 15, 2022
- Assignment 4 - Oct. 16 to Oct. 22, 2022
- Assignment 5 - Oct. 22 to Oct. 29, 2022