Flybrix is currently shipping with version 1.5.1 installed.
- Arduino 1.8.5 from
- Teensyduino 1.41 from
- Teensy loader from
- SDFat 1.0.5 from
In the Arduino IDE, isntall SdFat from 'Sketch -> Include Library -> Manage Libraries...'
Choose Tools -> Board: -> Teensy 3.2 / 3.1
to target the correct board, and leave the rest as default ("Serial" and "96 MHz (overclock)").
After that, you are ready to compile and upload to a board connected via USB.
If you can't compile because it appears that you're missing libraries, be sure that you have set up the Arduino IDE to target the correct board ("Teensy 3.2 / 3.1")!
The Arduino IDE defaults to expand tabs with 2 spaces. To change that edit your preferences file. -- Change “editor.tabs.size=” to 4 and restart Arduino
If you run into problems, send us an email at [email protected]!