The famous OpenGL "Hello triangle" using shaders. It uses the OpenGL 4.5 functionality called Direct State Access. Be aware, not-that-old hardware may not be compatible with this functionality.
As of November 2020, it is the most up-to-date "hello triangle" example I could piece together.
I work on GNU/Linux Ubuntu 20. Obviously you need to install a compiler (g++), make, opengl and glfw3.
sudo apt install g++ build-essential libopengl0 libopengl-dev libglfw3 libglfw3-dev
Run make
in the directory of the project.
This code uses Glad as its openGL extensions loader. Glew would work fine too. The directories include/glad, include/KHR, and the files glad.h, glad.c and khrplatform.h were generated from Glad website
I copied/modified code from Anton Gerdelan and Joey De Vries / Learnopengl. See Licence file for more info. Also check Fendevel repos about modern OpenGL.