Software component dedicated to the badge generation used for the Toulouse DevFest.
First clone this project since it's not provided using Maven central.
$ git clone
Second build the project using Maven command line.
$ maven package
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Reactor Summary:
[INFO] org.contrail Maven Multi Project .................. SUCCESS [0.003s]
[INFO] badge-generator-core .............................. SUCCESS [0.000s]
[INFO] commons ........................................... SUCCESS [5.336s]
[INFO] template .......................................... SUCCESS [0.153s]
[INFO] attendee .......................................... SUCCESS [1.230s]
[INFO] command ........................................... SUCCESS [1.783s]
[INFO] badge-generator-extensions ........................ SUCCESS [0.001s]
[INFO] billetweb ......................................... SUCCESS [1.019s]
[INFO] svg-template ...................................... SUCCESS [9.182s]
[INFO] interactive ....................................... SUCCESS [3.002s]
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 21.949s
[INFO] Finished at: Thu Sep 29 09:21:01 CEST 2016
[INFO] Final Memory: 29M/257M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
You can now install the badge generator somewhere.
For unix:
$ unzip <badge-generator-dir>/interactive/target/
For windows:
$ unzip <badge-generator-dir>/interactive/target/
Then you have to create or copy a badge template. A model designed for the DevFest Toulouse is available in the document/2016
$ ./bin/
usage: attendee
badge ...
$ ./bin/ badge
usage: attendee badge
-bw <arg> Billet Web CSV Attendee repository
-o <arg> Output directory
-svg_pdf <arg> SVG template modelisation and PDF generation
That's all and have fun.
Project is published under the MIT license Feel free to clone and modify repo as you want, but don't forget to add reference to authors.