Custom Telescope Picker for Chez Moi Managed Dot Files!
Also adds neovim commands to:
- Chezmoi does not overwrite template files and neither will this command
chezmoi's source
All that is needed is to install the plugin and load the telescope extension
via require("telescope").load_extension("chezmoi")
Here is an example with Lazy:
dependencies = {
{ "GianniBYoung/chezmoi-telescope.nvim" },
config = function()
:Telescope chezmoi dotfiles
-> Open telescope picker populated with Chezmoi managed dot files- This opens the file in chezmoi's source dir
:Telescope chezmoi dotfiles liveDots=true
-> Open telescope picker populated with (Live) Chezmoi managed dot files- This opens the actual dotfile on your system
the current file to Chezmoi -
the current file to Chezmoi -
the current file from Chezmoi -
-> Pull down the remote source
The available options are:
bool(true) - Enable or disable iconsliveDots
bool(false) - Populate the picker with the actual dotfiles your system is using - aka 'live dot files'
Options can be set in the following ways:
:Telescope chezmoi dotfiles option1=value1 option2=bool2
require('telescope').extensions.chezmoi.dotfiles({option1="value1", option2=bool2})
This plugin provides a custom picker for telescope that populates results with files from $CHEZMOI_SOURCE_DIR
and opens the result in a new buffer on selection.
Better icons in picker
Better error handling
If this plugin is missing functionality for your use case please open an issue or submit a PR!