object oriented
: all of the rl agents using the same framework(base classAgent
), makes it easy to read and understandperfect reproduction
: training result would be exactly the same under the same random seed
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- REINFORCE(Monte-Carlo Policy Gradient, Vanilla Policy Gradient)
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training result of the agent trying to solve a problem from a scratch
the original environment is hard to converge,
so I modify the reward to solve this problem and get the result below
Note that there is no goal for Pendulum-v0, but as you can see in the result, the agent did learn something
online training is not always stable
sometimes the agent gets a high reward(or running reward)
then its performance would decline rapidly.
so I choose some policy during the training to test the agent's performance
though training on a modified environment,
I still use the original one to test the policy,
thus illustrate the result the learning