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I-Al-Istannen edited this page Dec 23, 2016 · 3 revisions

The commands


  1. Help
  2. Edit
  3. Equip
  4. Generate Template
  5. Reload

## Help This command shows you all other commands and their description. There are a few flags you can pass though: - `--page=` ==> The help page - `--entriesPerPage=` ==> The entries per page - `--depth=` ==> The depth of nodes to show. This means how many levels of children should be shown - `--search=` ==> Filters the help for the given word - `--regex=` ==> Filters the help using a regular expression.
## Edit This allows you to edit wings in-game! The arguments are `/imagewings edit `. The `` is the name of the `*.wingMeta` file in the images folder. You can tabcomplete though, so don't worry!

After you entered that command, an amorstand will spawn at your position facing SOUTH. It wears your head, so you should be able to tell that yourself.


You can scroll in your hotbar, to change what you edit.
Clicking performs an action:

  • Left click
    Decreases the value
  • Right click
    Increases the value
  • Shifting
    Makes the intervals finer.

Please note:
For the right click to register, you will need an item in your hand.

After the wing looks like you want it to, you need to save it.
Do this by typing /imageWings edit <save|discard>. You can probably tell what save and discard mean.


  • Animated wings will only show their first frame.
  • You need items in all of your hotbar slots.

## Equip This opens a GUI which lets you equip the wings. Just click their icon in the inventory. The selected wing is displayed with an *enchanted* icon. If you click on the selected wing again, you will unequip it and it won't display any wing on you.
## Generate Template This generates a template file, so you do not need to type all that boring stuff yourself.


/imageWings generateTemplate <name>
The name will be the name of the generated *.wingMeta file in the images folder.
You need to open it with some editor (Notepad, Notepad++, Sublime, Nano, whatever) and edit the things you want.

## Reload This reloads all wings.

Please note:
This will unequip the wings for every online player.

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