Added option to unhide flagdays in the past
The integration has been rewritten and have received some TLC and improvements.
offsetis now time_offset. Default is 10 minutes- flags now uses the name of the flags, Erfalasorput (Greenland) and Merkið (Faroe Islands)
eventsis now flagdays and the flagdays listed is now:- date, the date of the flagday in either "dd-mm" or "dd-mm-yyyy". If year is stated, the years between current year and flagday will be calculated and appended to the name
New features
- hide_past (new feature), we are able to show flagdays in the past setting the to False, Default is True
- flagdays:
- date_end (new feature), the date to end the period of prolonged flagday, fx. Pride Month.
# Optional entries
time_offset: 5 # Time in minutes before flag up/down times, used for triggers fx. automation. Default is 10 minutes
hide_past: false # Hide flagdays from the past, default is True
flags: # Commonwealth (Greenland and Faroe Islands) flags we own
- erfalasorput
- merkið
flagdays: # List of private flagdays
- name: Jolly Roger Memorial Day
flag: Jolly Roger
date: 10-06-1975
- name: Copenhagen Pride Month
flag: Pride
date: 01-08
date_end: 31-08
- name: Tim Berners Lee Birthday
date: 08-06-1955
- name: Ada Lovelace Birthday
date: 10-12-1815