Restful API developed with Node.js, Express.js and MongoDB and secured with JSON Web Token.
Path | Method | Description |
/tasks | post | Creates a new task |
/tasks | get | Retrieve all tasks |
/tasks/:id | get | Retrieve a task for a given id |
/tasks/filter/:filter | get | Retrieve all tasks for a given keyword |
/tasks/:id | put | Updates a task for a given id |
/tasks/:id | delete | Deletes a task for a given id |
For replicating this demo the following software is required:
- Download and install Node.js and npm.
- Download and install MongoDB. For this demo a Docker container was used.
- (Optional) Download and install Postman. Recommended for testing purposes.
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Install all dependencies
npm install
- Configure the
- Start the server
node start
ornpm restart
(nodemon) - Test the API with Postman.
The chosen endpoint will perform certain action if the username is specified on the jwt payload.
Example payload data:
"username": "juanbalceda",
"iat": 1543438543
For more information about how jwt works, visit:
"task":"Test API through UI",
For POST method, the only required field on the json body is task
, who
and created
are set by default, dueDate
is optional.
"task":"Test API through UI",
$ docker container run -p 27017:27017 --name mongodb -e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME=admin -e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD=123456 -d mongo:latest
$ docker exec -it mongodb bash
# On container shell
$ mongo --authenticationDatabase admin -u admin -p 123456
# On mongodb shell
use todo_app
user: "rhtest",
pwd: "123456",
roles: [
{ role: "readWrite", db: "todo_app" }
This app is MIT licensed.