sample stream app with kafka and Spring boot
There is a scenario where thousands of trades are flowing into one store, assume any way of transmission of trades (could be receiving the trades via Kafka). We need to create a one trade store, which stores the trade (any kind of database)
docker-compose -f kafka-single-broker.yml up
run on localhost:9092
cd frontoffice && gradle build
in the backoffice diretory run
java -jar backoffice\build\libs\backoffice-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
port: 8080
POST /trade
body TradeDto Object
cd backoffice && gradle build
in the backoffice diretory run
java -jar build\libs\backoffice-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
port : 8082
h2 console: http://localhost:8082/h2-console
for more details see the architecture document "Trade stream Architecture.docx"