- 🔭 I’m currently working on Cloud Service's (GCP)
- 🤝 I’m looking to collaborate on Future Projects
- 🌱 I’m currently learning Django
- 🤔 I’m looking for help with
JavaScript Frameworks
- 👨🏻💻 Looking for :
- 💬 Ask me about anything tech related, I am happy to help;
- 📫 Feel free to ping me on LinkedIn @keerthivaasen
- 📝 Checkout my https://github.com/KEERTHIVAASEN
- 👨💻 Google Developer Profile https://g.dev/KEERTHIVAASEN
- 💻 Microsoft Developer Profile https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/users/KEERTHIVAASEN
- 💆♂️ When I'm free, I Play games and listen to podcast's
I'm Preserving B.SC Computer Science. Specialized in Cloud, ML and Developing in GCP(Google Development Platform) interactive systems 👨🎓.I'm a versatilist and easily adapt to different hats (Backend Developer 🌐, App Developer 📱, Cloud Developer ☁, To protect data & hack or beginner level Designer 🎨) depending on what the project requires. I love experimenting and researching the latest technology 💻 and leveraging them to build cool stuffs 🛠️. It empowers me to create magnificent products.
Ex GDSC Lead in Campus as a Professional Trainer of GDSC(Cloud,ML) 💻. Also, I Am a Python ML Trainer Bages by GDG Club 👨💻. I Am interested in cross-platform, web and mobile applications from the server ⚙️ to the client 📱. I teach in different master's programs ,development and evaluation of New Technoogy products. I love the React.Js and Node.js ecosystem 💓. Apart from teaching and developing, I enjoy music 🎵 ,Playing Badminton 🎾, Playing guitar 🎸, Reading Article 📚 , Watching Tv Series/movies 📺 and sharing good times (good chat?). I love to keep learning and keep moving forward.
You can also access my 🚀 website where little by little you can get to know me a little more I am proud to be a GDSC Trainer. I can help you apply super powers to develop our code or how to apply them to teaching. It will be a pleasure to help you with it. Count on me! 💪
These are just some of the technologies 💻 that I usually use on or collaborate with me on a personal level and to which I thank you for your trust and support.
“Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand.” – Martin Fowler
Anything you need let me know so I can help you 💬.