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React Star Rating Summary

npm version

A ready to use star rating summary UI package on 5 star rating concept for React.

Try tweaking a rating summary component using this code sandbox link here


npm install @keyvaluesystems/react-star-rating-summary

You’ll need to install React separately since it isn't included in the package.


React Star Rating Summary can be directly used in your project by just providing the ratings props like this:

import React, { useState } from 'react';
import RatingSummary from '@keyvaluesystems/react-star-rating-summary';

function App() {
  const ratingValues = {
    5: 100,
    4: 200,
    3: 300,
    2: 1000,
    1: 400

  return (

export default App;

The ratings prop expects an object with star rating-id as key (ideally 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5) and count of the respective ratings as the value, encapsulating the distribution of user feedback for different ratings.

Note: The total rating count will be calculated by the package and bar length for each rating will be considered with respect to total count.

v1.0.0 (Major Version Change)

This release includes breaking changes and feature updates. Please read this document carefully before upgrading

Breaking Changes

  • The chartColors prop has been renamed to barColors
  • The key Chart within styles prop to override the style of bar in the chart has been renamed to Bar.
  • Feature improvements have been made.
    Please take note of these changes during the upgrade

Migration Steps

  • Update Prop names:
    a. Rename the prop chartColors to barColors.
    b. Rename the style key Chart to Bar within styles prop.


      5: '#000',
      4: 'yellow',
      3: 'orange',
      2: 'blue',
      1: 'green'
      Chart: (ratingId) => ({...styles}),
      Count: (ratingId) => ({...styles})


      5: '#000',
      4: 'yellow',
      3: 'orange',
      2: 'blue',
      1: 'green'
      Bar: (ratingId) => ({...styles}),
      Count: (ratingId) => ({...styles})


Props that can be passed to the component are listed below:

Prop Description Default
ratings: object An object where each key is a unique rating id serving as a label, and the corresponding value indicates the number of user reviews received for the respective rating id. undefined
barColors?: object An object with ratingIds as key and respective bar color as value. undefined
renderLabel?: (ratingId: string): ReactElement A render function to customize your ratings label with your own element. undefined
showCount?: boolean Boolean to enable and disable showing count on the bar in summary section. true
showAnimation?: boolean Boolean to enable and disable showing animations and transitions on the bars in chart. true
styles?: object Provides you with a bunch of style objects and callback functions to override the default styles.(refer Style Customizations) undefined
onBarClick?: (ratingId: string): void Click handler for each rating bar in chart undefined
ratingRanks?: object An object where each key represents a rating ID, and the associated value indicates the rank or weightage assigned to that specific rating. This ranking is taken into account when computing the average of ratings. undefined
showAverageRating?: boolean Boolean to enable and disable showing average rating section. true
customAverageFn?: (ratings: object, ranks: object) => number A function that allows customization of the average computation for ratings, in order to override the default behavior. undefined
averageRatingPrecision?: number Determines the number of decimal places for displaying the average of ratings. 1
ratingAverageIconProps?: object An object defining the fill color ( fillColor?: string ), background color ( bgColor?: string ), border color (borderColor: string) and border width (borderWidth: number) for customizing the appearance of star icon in the average rating section. undefined
thousandsSeparator?: string A string specifying the custom thousands separator for formatting a numerical value. undefined
ratingAverageSubText?: string A string used to customize the text accompanying the star rating average which provides additional information about the total number of reviews. 'reviews'
order?: 'ORIGINAL' | 'REVERSE' The order prop dictates the summary section's display order. Possible values are: 'ORIGINAL' or 'REVERSE'. For numeric ratingIds, it sorts in ascending (ORIGINAL) or descending (REVERSE) order. For string based ratingIds, it reflects the original/reversed order of keys in the ratings prop. 'REVERSE'
ratingLabelIconProps?: object An object defining the fill color ( fillColor?: string ), background color ( bgColor?: string ), border color (borderColor: string) and border width (borderWidth: number) for customizing the appearance of star icon in the progess bar label section. undefined

Note: The numbers from 1 to 5 are the ideal values for ratingIds. RatingIds are considered as labels and a value of index + 1 is used when computing rating average if rank of each rating-id is not explicitly passed through ratingRanks prop.

Style Customizations

Basic customization like changing the bar color for each ratings can be done using the barColors prop:

      5: '#000',
      4: 'yellow',
      3: 'orange',
      2: 'blue',
      1: 'green'

Further customizations can by done by overriding default styles using the styles prop, the below code shows all the overridable styles:

    Root?: {...styles},
    SummaryContainer?: {...styles},
    AverageContainer?: {...styles},
    Average?: {...styles},
    AverageIconsWrapper?: {...styles},
    AverageStarIcon?: {...styles},
    AverageSubTextContainer?: {...styles},
    AverageSubText?: {...styles},
    AverageTotalReviews?: {...styles},
    SummaryItemContainer?: (id) => ({...styles}),
    BarContainer?: (id) => ({...styles}),
    FilledBarContainer?: (id) => ({...styles}),
    Bar?: (id) => ({...styles}),
    Count?: (id) => ({...styles}),
    Label?: (id) => ({...styles}),
    LabelStarIcon?: (id) => ({...styles}),

For a more specific example, please refer the following:

import React from 'react';
import RatingSummary from '@keyvaluesystems/react-star-rating-summary';

function App() {

  const countColors = {
	  1: 'red',
	  2: 'yellow',
	  3: 'blue',
	  4: 'orange',
	  5: 'white'

  return (
        1: 100,
        2: 200,
        3: 300,
        4: 400,
        5: 500
        Average: { color: 'purple' },
        AverageStarIcon: {
          width: '20px',
          height: '20px'
        LabelStarIcon: () => ({
          width: '15px',
          height: '15px'
        Label: (ratingId) => ({ fontSize: '12px' }),
        Count: (ratingId) => ({color: countColors[ratingId]})

export default App;

Within the styles prop, following keys accept a style object:

  • Root - overrides the style of outermost container.
  • SummaryContainer - overrides the style of summary container.
  • AverageContainer - overrides the style of average section.
  • Average - overrides the style of average value.
  • AverageIconsWrapper - overrides the style of icons container in the average section.
  • AverageStarIcon - overrides the style of every individual star icon in the average section
  • AverageSubTextContainer - overrides the style of sub-text container in the average section.
  • AverageTotalReviews - overrides the style of total no. of review's value in the average section.
  • AverageSubText - overrides the style of the sub-text adjacent to total no. of review in the average section.

Within the styles prop, following keys accept a function that returns the desired style for each element:

  • SummaryItemContainer - overrides the style of summary item container, which consist of the label and bar in the chart for each rating.
  • Label - overrides the Label container style for each rating.
  • LabelStarIcon - overrides the style of the star icon in the label of each rating.
  • BarContainer - overrides the style of bar container for each rating.
  • FilledBarContainer - overrides the style of filled part of bar for each rating.
  • Bar - overrides the bar style in the chart for each rating.
  • Count - overrides the rating count style for each rating.

Note: if you provides both barColors prop and overrides Bar style using styles prop, the customizations via Bar in styles prop are given more priority.

Example with the usage of other props

import React from 'react';
import RatingSummary from '@keyvaluesystems/react-star-rating-summary';

function App() {

  return (
        fillColor: 'green',
        bgColor: 'red'
      renderLabel={(ratingId) => ratingId}

export default App;