NOTE: Pod version requires 1.2.0 & later
Slide your progress through circular!
To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install
from the Example directory first.
- Swift 3.0.1 or later
- iOS 10.1 or later
KJCircularSlider is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'KJCircularSlider', '~> 0.2.0'
KJCircularSlider can be used via code or interface builder. You can add two or more KJCircularSlider's in single view.
If configuring via code, use the traditional init methods and properties.
If using Interface Builder, add UIView on your interface builder, add KJCircularSlider in 'Class' & 'Module' properties of Identity inspector of added UIView.
Use following properties to edit design layout. Add your layout settings in viewDidAppear
// declare instance of KJCircularSlider by connecting to UIView outlet at interface builder
@IBOutlet weak var circularSliderLarge: KJCircularSlider!
// use showPrecision boolean property to allow or not a precisions in percentage value.
circularSliderLarge.showPrecision = true
// use sliderWidth property value to apply width in circular
circularSliderLarge.sliderWidth = 2.0
// use sliderColor property value to apply color in circular
circularSliderLarge.sliderColor =
// use sliderSelectedAreaWidth property value to apply width in selected circular area
circularSliderLarge.sliderSelectedAreaWidth = 10.0
// use sliderSelectedAreaWidth property value to apply color in selected circular area
circularSliderLarge.sliderSelectedAreaColor =
// use sliderCapColor property value to apply cap color
circularSliderLarge.sliderCapColor =
// use sliderCapColor boolean property value to weather fill or not a cap with cap color
circularSliderLarge.sliderCapFillColor = true
// use KJCircularDelegate, a delegate property to receive processed percentage value by using it's protocol method.
circularSliderLarge.KJCircularDelegate = self
// use this protocol method to receive slider values
func getPercentage(circularSliderInstance: KJCircularSlider, percentValue: Float) {
// use your declared instance for comparision, when you want use particular slider values at the time of two or more KJCircularSlider's available in single view.
// access of specific small slider values
if circularSliderInstance == circularSliderSmall {
labelPercentForSmallerCircularSlider.text = "\(percentValue)%"
Kiran Jasvanee, [email protected], Skype: KiranJasvanee
KJCircularSlider is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.