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Basics of Validation class

Andreas Kollaros edited this page Jun 19, 2014 · 2 revisions

Basics of Validation.

Define validation rules

Prepare a class to accept validation rules.

  • You must use Larium\Validations\Validate trait inside your class.
  • Class mustimplement Larium\Validations\ValidatableInterface`.

/* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4: */

use Larium\Validations\ValidatableInterface;
use Larium\Validations\Validate;

class Topic implements ValidatableInterface
    use Validate;

    public $approved;

There are two ways to define validation rules in a class.

Call static method Helper.

Topic::validatesNumericalityOf('approved'); # This will check if approved property is numeric.

You can define validation rules outside of class definition, in any part of your code.

The Helper pattern of method is validates{Validator}Of where {Validator} is the name of class of available validators.

If you want to apply a custom validator yous should use validatesWith static method

Topic::validatesWith('Acme\MyCustomValidator', 'approved');

Inside class definition.

Create as protected method called validations.

Inside this method, define validations by calling $this->validates method.

Parameters you should pass to $this->validates method are:

  • $attribute. A string of class property to validate aor an array of strings.
  • $validators. An array that define the validator with options.

The format of $validators parameter is described below.


	'Numericality' => array( # The name of Validator class
    	'allow_null' => true, # Validator options. Options vary depending of validator.
        'only_integer' => true,
        'message' => 'Not a number'

If you want to define a validator without options then yous hould define it like this:


	'Numericality' => true

Validator options structure applies to static method Helper too,

A full example of class:


/* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4: */

use Larium\Validations\ValidatableInterface;
use Larium\Validations\Validate;

class Topic implements ValidatableInterface
    use Validate;

	public $title;

    public $content;

    public $approved;

    protected function validations()
            	'Numericality' => true

        	array('title', 'content'),
            	'Presence' => array(
                	'message' => 'Not blank'

Validating a class

To check if a class is valid according to validation rules you defined, call isValid method.


$topic = new Topic();

$topic->isValid() # returns boolean true or false.

$errors = $topic->getErrors() # get an Error object.

Error object extends ArrayIterator class so can be accessed as array and can beiterated too.

You can also get a plain array with error notificaton by calling
