A custom blog theme for Wyam. The available themes were a bit too modern for my taste, so I created a new one with aesthetics similar to traditional wordpress blogs. You can see a demo here.
- CSS only responsive design: The blog adapts to different screens, using only CSS.
- Minimal JavaScript: Only a single file (~5kb un-minified un-compressed) with quality of life enhancements that can be turned off without diminishing the blog usability.
- Dark Mode: The blog has a toggleable mode for those who prefer web pages with a a dark colour scheme. The setting is stored in local storage. The colour scheme can be further customized by changing the CSS variables at the start of the styles.css file.
- Post series: You can links groups of posts by adding a "Serie" metadata to the post. Posts with the same value in that metadata will have a list of all post in the same series at the starts, with links. Look in the posts folder for examples
- No comments. If you want to add Disqus or any other comment system, you will have to add it yourself.
- It does not work in Internet Explorer.