- Takes integer input based on the input files. If input files are in three dimension, user has to put, for example, [5 10 25] separated by the space(exclude brackets).
- Executes sequential construction and KD-KNN-tree construction based on the input files in data with specified file name.
- If data file for input is empty, CoordinateGen.java execution is required before running Main.java program in order to make arbitrary input files.
- Prompts user to type in the dimension. This will be the initial dimension setup.
- Prompts user to select a file type - Large points, Small points.
For every distance calcuation, Euclidean distance is used.
- Generates arbiturary points in random order.
- Matrix dimesion determined by getting users input.
- Matrix point range and number of points grow larger.
- When generated input file name is BIG_DATA_CASE10_20, this means the generated random points have maximum point range from 1 to 10 with number of points of 20.
Linked List (SequentialAlgorithm.java).
- insert(list)
Append additional coordinate points to the end
- findClosestDistance(targetPoints)
Visit every node to verify the shortest distance
- insert(list)
KD-Tree (KDTreeIntegers.java).
- Class.AxisSort
comparator that sorts an ArrayList by axis index
- insert(depth, listOfPoints, currentNode, parentNode)
Builds a binaray-tree like data structure.
- findKDTreeNormal(targetPoints)
finds a approximately close distance to the targetPoints
- Class.AxisSort
KNN-Search (method in KDTreeIntegers.java).
- findKNNAlgorithm(targetPoints, node)
find closest distance from the targetPoints with the result node from KD-Tree search
- findKNNAlgorithm(targetPoints, node)
Results from the terminal
All summary data are exported into .cell file. Data contains:
General cell
Numeric value range.
Number of points.
Desired coordinationto look up.
Each cell contains
Closest coordinate points found
Distance value in double
Construction time consumption in nano seconds
Search time consumption in nano seconds
Time is measured by using ProcessTimeRecorder(System.nanoTime).
Graphical data based on the program