最近学人工智能(AI),学到一些算法,攒积不少(摸鱼)经验。趁这次机会写篇文章给广大学者或者有兴趣的人。也是对自己的学习总结吧。后面抽空写个关于Decision, Compution and Language的文章(不知道为啥国内在这方面学习资料非常少)
Sklearn的手写字体的识别,本次用的是python3语言,会讲到的算法有四个,一个是自己写的贝叶斯算法(Naive bayes),另一个直接调库。和神经网络的两个分别是DNN和CNN,本质上是有无convolutioal layer的区别。后面讲到算法的原理以及如何实现。过程中会用到交叉验证(cross validation), 混淆矩阵(confusion matrix) 和ROC曲线等方法来辅助理解。
由于篇幅限制,这里先介绍数据集以及用法和传统机器学习算法 朴素贝叶斯的原理以及实现方式
首先介绍一下本篇文章 所用的数据集是Scikit-learn的datasets,和MNIST数据集一样是用于入门学习的数据集。这里网站里有详细介绍数据集。
7.1. Toy datasets - scikit-learn 0.24.1 documentation
UCI Machine Learning Repository: Optical Recognition of Handwritten Digits Data Set
Dataset : Optical recognition of handwritten digits dataset
Algorithm : Naive bayes
Since Naive bayes is a supervised, non-modeled classification algorithm, the implement f2 and f3 can be achieved by running the algorithm directly without save models.
Software Dependencies:
Python 3.8
Numpy 1.19.5
Scikit-learn 0.24.0
Keras 2.4.3
Tensorflow 2.4.0
Matplotlib 3.3.3
How to run program: Clone to your development environment and run main.py with python 3.8 interpreter: python main.py User interface of python program:
The user selects numbers between 1 and 6 to run different implement, other numbers are not accepted.
- Explaining how the functionalities and additional requirements are implemented
The dataset is loaded from the scikit-learn library and put into the matrix, and use
train_test_split function
to divide the dataset in to train dataset which is 30% and test dataset which is 70%
from sklearn import datasets
tra_x,tes_x,tra_y,tes_y = train_test_split(all_x,all_y,test_size=0.7)
def my_naive_bayes(x, y, mean, variance):
Transfer samples and labels of the dataset, mean and variance of the training set Bayes formula (SEE PDF) is used to calculate the probability of sample vector of each digits
for i in range(x.shape[0]):
lists = []
for j in range(len(classes)):
numerator = np.exp(-((x[i] - mean[j]) ** 2) / (2 * variance[j]))
denominator = np.sqrt(2 * np.pi * (variance[j]))
prob_xc = numerator / denominator
ratio = np.sum(np.log(prob_xc))
pred = lists.index(max(lists))
if pred == y[i]:
my_t_count = my_t_count + 1
confusion_matrix[int(y[i])][int(y[i])] = confusion_matrix[int(y[i])][int(y[i])] + 1
def f1():
Provide the details of the dataset Call the variable from the header: all_x, all_y, a_x, tes_x, tra_y, tes_y
Print the number of datasets: all_x.shape[0], tra_x.shape[0], tes_x.shape[0]
Use a loop statement to calculate the number of each digits
Print the maximum and minimum values for each feature:
print(np.max(all_x, axis=0))
print(np.min(all_x, axis=0), '\n')
def f2():
Call scikit-learn library GaussianNB function/algorithm to process the datasets
from sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNB
sk_nb = GaussianNB()
sk_nb.fit(tem_tra_x, tem_tra_y)
sk_nb_tra_y = (sk_nb.predict(tem_tra_x))
sk_nb_tes_y = (sk_nb.predict(tem_tes_x))
def f3():
Call the method my_naive_bayes(x, y, mean, variance)
to compute the datasets Assign two matrixes to store the mean and variance of the train dataset
for i in classes:
tra_x_c = tra_x[tra_y == i]
mean[int(i), :] = tra_x_c.mean(axis=0)
variance[int(i), :] = tra_x_c.var(axis=0)
Use loop statements to filter samples for each category Assign two matrixes to store the mean and variance of the train dataset
Call the method my_naive_bayes(x, y, mean, variance)
to return the accuracy rate and number of train and test dataset respectively
Return the correct rate for each digit, and the correct quantity counter
def f4():
Load and print the return values of both algorithms(My naive bayes algorithms and s scikit-learn GaussianNB algorithms) by call f2 and f3 function. And use matplotlib library to create a visualization
def f5():
Detect the input number and returns the aim image and the detail of data
Additional requirements: Design interactive interface, users can directly run F1 – F6 programs by input instructions. Bar chart is used in the F5 program to visually compare the train dataset and test dataset accuracy under different algorithms.
The naive bayes algorithm is used to classify the Optical recognition of handwritten digits dataset. The basic method is to calculate the probability that the current feature samples belong to a certain class based on statistical data and according to the conditional probability formula, and select the category with the highest probability Each picture of the handwritten digits’ dataset consists of 8*8 pixels, each pixel is represented by 0 - 16 gray level and has a label to indicate the class. Data is the array 1 * 64, which can be regarded as vector X Import the bayes formula (SEE PDF)
: all the data from datasets
: all the target of each data from dataset
: Divide the datasets into train and test dataset
: The digital accuracy of train dataset returned by scikit-learn GaussianNB algorithm
: The correct number of train dataset returned by scikitlearn GaussianNB algorithm
: The digital accuracy of test dataset returned by my naive bayes algorithm
: The correct number of test dataset returned by my naive bayes algorithm
: The mean of train dataset features classes
: The variance of train dataset features classes
Software Dependencies:
Python 3.8
Numpy 1.19.5
Scikit-learn 0.24.0
Keras 2.4.3
Tensorflow 2.4.0
Matplotlib 3.3.3
How to run program: Clone to your development environment and run main.py with python 3.7 interpreter: python main.py
User interface of python program:
The user selects numbers between 1 and 3 to run different implement, other numbers are not accepted.
F1: Use keras
framework as framework to design and build two different deep neural networks, one with convolutional layer and the other without convolutional layer. And save the model for loading.
F2: Model evaluation
Manually divide five subsets in the given data set for cross validation. Calculate and output the accuracy (and loss rate) of each algorithm
First declare a 1010 null array, iterate and loop through to determine if the predicted value and label are the same, if so, increment the position by 1, resulting in a 1010 two-dimensional matrix confusion matrix. Then use matplotlib.pyplot
to output the graph. These graphs are shown below.
Each predicted value and test dataset label are binarized and classified. Then use roc_curve
and auc
to calculate the ROC curve of the algorithm. Formula is
In the end, use matplotlib.pyplot
to output the graph.
By comparing the results for Assessment 1 and Assessment 2. In the same dataset. Traditional machine learning takes the least time and does not require high performance but need to require more human resources to achieve ideal accuracy. Deep neural network only needs a simple setting to obtain a very ideal accuracy rate. However, the number of parameters in the neural network is very large, and many optimizers, such as RMSProp, SGD, ADAM, etc. are needed to find the local optimal solution. This algorithm is the most time-consuming and most dependent on computer performance.
The appropriate algorithm can be selected according to the requirements of the scene. Traditional machine learning is suitable for scenes with high realtime requirements and low data volume. Neural network is suitable for the scene with very large amount of data and high accuracy
: all the data from datasets all_y: all the target of each data from dataset
: Divide the datasets into train and test dataset
: The predicted value(target) obtained by algorithm is used for comparison with tes_y
: The accuracy value (and loss value) for the model in test mode
: Model of the algorithm
Two neural networks :
def dnn():
Create five layers by keras.sequential
(show in Figure 1), two of which are Dropout to prevent overfitting.
Optimizer selects RMSProp
, which is Gradient Descent.
Loss selects categorical_crossentropy
, theexpression is (SEE PDF)
def cnn():
Create five layers by keras.sequential
(show in Figure 2), the Flatten
layer is used for the transition from the convolution layer to the full join layer, without affecting the batch size.
Optimizer select Adam
, the parameters are
lr=0.01, beta_1=0.9, beta_2=0.999, epsilon=1e-08
Loss selects categorical_crossentropy
In the end, these models will be saved, respectively are CNNmodel.h5 and DNN_model.h5 (model.save