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DNSC6290 Responsible Machine Learning

Baisc Information

Assignment workflows

Final selected model is Monotonic XGBoost, and the other models are here for comparison.

  1. Training basic interpretable models
  2. Post-hoc explanations
  3. Bias testing
  4. Red-teaming
  5. Model debugging

Intended Use

  • Primary intended uses: This model is an example probability of XGBoost model, with an example use case for determining whether (1) or not (0) the annual percentage rate (APR) charged for a mortgage is 150 basis points (1.5%) or more above a survey-based estimate of similar mortgages.
  • Primary intended users: Students in GWU DNSC 6290 course.
  • Out-of-scope use cases: Any use beyond an educational example is out-of-scope.

Training Data

  • Data dictionary:
Name Modeling Role Measurement Level Description
row_id ID int unique row indentifier
black demographic information binary 1 = black; 0 = non-black
asian demographic information binary 1 = asian; 0 = non-asian
white demographic information binary 1 = white; 0 = non-white
amind demographic information binary 1 = amind; 0 = non-amind
hipac demographic information binary 1 = hipac; 0 = non-hipac
hispanic demographic information binary 1 = hispanic; 0 = non-hispanic
non_hispanic demographic information binary 1 = non_hispanic; 0 = hispanic
male demographic information binary 1 = male; 0 = female
female demographic information binary 1 = female; 0 = male
agegte62 demographic information binary 1 = agegte62; 0 = agelt62
agelt62 demographic information binary 1 = agelt62; 0 = agegte62
conforming inputs binary 1 = the mortgage conforms to normal standards; 0 = the loan is different
debt_to_income_ratio_std inputs float standardized debt-to-income ratio for mortgage applicants
debt_to_income_ratio_missing inputs binary 1 = missing debt_to_income_ratio_std; 0 = non-missing debt_to_income_ratio_std
income_std inputs float standardized income for mortgage applicants
loan_amount_std inputs float standardized amount of the mortgage for applicants
intro_rate_period_std inputs float standardized introductory rate period for mortgage applicants
loan_to_value_ratio_std inputs float ratio of the mortgage size to the value of the property for mortgage applicants
no_intro_rate_period_std inputs binary -4.09174686250922 = a mortgage does not include an introductory rate period; 0.244394395255126 = a mortgage includes an introductory rate period
property_value_std inputs float value of the mortgaged property
term_360 inputs binary 1 = the mortgage is a standard 360 month mortgage; 0 = the mortgage is a different type of mortgage
high_priced target binary whether the annual percentage rate (APR) charged for a mortgage is (not) 150 basis points (1.5%) or more above a survey-based estimate of similar mortgages, 1 = is; 0 = not
  • Source of training data: Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA) data
  • How training data was divided into training and validation data: 70% training, 30% validation
  • Number of rows in training and validation data:
    • Training rows: 112,253
    • Validation rows: 48,085 image

Evaluation Data

  • Source of test data: Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA) data
  • Number of rows in test data: 19,831
  • State any differences in columns between training and test data: The test data does not contain the target column.

Model Details

  • Columns used as inputs in the final model: 'term_360', 'conforming', 'debt_to_income_ratio_missing', 'loan_amount_std', 'loan_to_value_ratio_std', 'no_intro_rate_period_std', 'intro_rate_period_std', 'property_value_std', 'income_std', 'debt_to_income_ratio_std'
  • Column(s) used as target(s) in the final model: 'high_priced'
  • Type of model: Monotonic XGBoost model
  • Software used to implement the model: h2o, interpret, jupyter, matplotlib, numpy, pandas, scikit-learn, seaborn, xgboost
  • Version of the modeling software:
    • h2o==
    • interpret==0.2.4
    • jupyter==1.0.0
    • matplotlib==3.3.4
    • numpy==1.19.5
    • pandas==1.1.5
    • scikit-learn==0.24.2
    • seaborn==0.11.1
    • xgboost==1.4.2
  • Hyperparameters or other settings of your model:
    • 'colsample_bytree': 0.3,
    • 'colsample_bylevel': 0.3,
    • 'eta': 0.05,
    • 'max_depth': 3,
    • 'reg_alpha': 0.0005,
    • 'reg_lambda': 0.0005,
    • 'subsample': 0.3,
    • 'min_child_weight': 10,
    • 'gamma': 0.2
    • 'n_jobs': 4,
    • 'random_state': 12345,
    • 'mono_constraints': (1, 1, 1, -1, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0, 1)

Quantitative Analysis

Ethical Considerations

  • Describe potential negative impacts of using your model
    • Math or software problems: Due to compatibility issues between h2o and xgboost, the stolen decision tree model generated had unusual big numbers, causing adversial examples full of missing values.
    • Real-world risks: who, what, when or how: The adverse impact ratio of Black-to-White, although > 0.8, is relatively low (0.805), which could lead to unfair difference in outcomes. When using this model to predict high-priced mortgages, for every 100,000 low-priced loans to white people, there are only 80,500 low-priced loans to Black people.
  • Describe potential uncertainties relating to the impacts of using your model
    • Math or software problems: With different versions of software, some codes may need to be changed, especially for xgboost.
    • Real-world risks: who, what, when or how: Hackers may steal the model to do model extraction attack. According to adversial examples results in Red-teaming, the hackers can get predictions they want by inputting missing values in multiple features.
  • Describe any unexpected or results: Although this model was tested and remediated for bias, there is much more to bias than models and data, and this model should be monitored for bias issues moving forward.


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