Supercharge your LinkedIn networking with precision and automation!
This lightweight, browser-based script takes the hassle out of sending connection requests. 🚀
No downloads. No installations. Just seamless networking.
⭐ If you find this helpful, don’t forget to star this repo!
- One-click automation for sending connection requests on LinkedIn.
- Intelligent navigation to handle multiple pages seamlessly.
- Built-in checks to detect and stop when LinkedIn's weekly invitation limits are reached.
- Fully customizable—tailor it to your specific networking goals.
- Supports both English and Indonesian LinkedIn interfaces.
- A LinkedIn account
- A browser with developer tools (e.g., Chrome, Firefox)
- Log in to your LinkedIn account and search for your target audience (e.g., “Software Engineers”, “Marketers”, “HR”, “HRD”).
- On the search results page, click the "See all people results" button to view the full list of profiles.
- If you're using Chrome, make sure to use a fresh profile (not your main one) to avoid interference from browser extensions.
- To create a new profile: Go to Settings > Manage profiles > Add new profile.
- Open Developer Tools (press
or right-click the page → Inspect). - Navigate to the Console Tab.
- Type
allow pasting
, then hitEnter
. This will allow you to paste scripts into the console. - Copy and paste the script into the console.
async function linkedInBot() {
const sleep = (ms) => new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
const log = (message) => console.log(`[LOG] ${message}`);
// Configurator: Set your preferences here
const useConnect = true; // Set to true to use "Connect / Hubungkan"
const useInvite = true; // Set to true to use "Follow / Ikuti"
const waitTimeBetweenActions = 1500; // Configurable wait time in milliseconds
const waitTimeBetweenPages = 3000; // Configurable wait time between page navigation
const maxDailyConnects = 20; // Limit for daily connections
let connectCount = 0;
let connectLimitReached = false;
const clickButton = async (ariaLabels, partialMatch = false) => {
try {
const buttons = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('button'));
const button = buttons.find((btn) =>
? ariaLabels.some((label) => btn.getAttribute('aria-label')?.toLowerCase().includes(label.toLowerCase()))
: partialMatch
? btn.getAttribute('aria-label')?.toLowerCase().includes(ariaLabels.toLowerCase())
: btn.getAttribute('aria-label')?.toLowerCase() === ariaLabels.toLowerCase()
if (button) {;
log(`Clicked button: "${button.getAttribute('aria-label')}"`);
await sleep(waitTimeBetweenActions);
return true;
} else {
log(`Button not found for labels: "${ariaLabels}"`);
return false;
} catch (error) {
log(`Error clicking button: "${ariaLabels}" - ${error.message}`);
return false;
const handleWeeklyLimitPopup = async () => {
try {
const popupHeader = document.querySelector('#ip-fuse-limit-alert__header');
if (popupHeader) {
if (
popupHeader.textContent.includes("Anda telah mencapai batas mingguan pengiriman undangan") ||
popupHeader.textContent.includes("You’ve reached the weekly invitation limit")
) {
log("Weekly invitation limit popup detected.");
const gotItButtonLabels = ["Got it", "Mengerti"];
await clickButton(gotItButtonLabels);
connectLimitReached = true;
return true;
return false;
} catch (error) {
log(`Error handling weekly limit popup: ${error.message}`);
return false;
const processConnectionsAndInvites = async () => {
try {
const buttons = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('button'));
for (const button of buttons) {
const ariaLabel = button.getAttribute('aria-label');
log(`Detected button with aria-label: "${ariaLabel}"`); // Debugging
if (useConnect && !connectLimitReached && connectCount < maxDailyConnects) {
if (
ariaLabel?.includes("connect") ||
ariaLabel?.includes("Hubungkan") ||
ariaLabel?.includes("Invite") ||
) {;
log(`Clicked Connect/Hubungkan: "${ariaLabel}"`);
await sleep(waitTimeBetweenActions);
const sendInvitationLabels = ["Send invitation", "Kirim undangan"];
const sent = await clickButton(sendInvitationLabels);
if (sent) {
log(`Sent invitation for: "${ariaLabel}"`);
if (connectCount >= maxDailyConnects) {
log("Daily connection limit reached.");
connectLimitReached = true;
if (useInvite && (ariaLabel?.includes("Follow") || ariaLabel?.includes("Ikuti"))) {;
log(`Clicked Follow/Ikuti: "${ariaLabel}"`);
await sleep(waitTimeBetweenActions);
} catch (error) {
log(`Error processing connections and invites: ${error.message}`);
const checkDisabledNextButton = () => {
const disabledNextButtons = [
if (disabledNextButtons.some((button) => button !== null)) {
log("Disabled 'Next' button found. Stopping the bot...");
return true;
return false;
for (let i = 0; ; i++) {
try {
log(`Attempt ${i + 1} - Scanning the page for connections and invites...`);
if (await handleWeeklyLimitPopup()) {
log("Handled weekly invitation limit popup. Continuing...");
await processConnectionsAndInvites();
if (checkDisabledNextButton()) {
log("No more pages to process. Stopping...");
const nextLabels = ["Next", "Berikutnya"];
const movedNext = await clickButton(nextLabels);
if (!movedNext) {
log("No 'Next' button found. Retrying...");
await sleep(waitTimeBetweenPages);
} else {
await sleep(waitTimeBetweenPages);
log("Moved to the next page...");
} catch (error) {
log(`An error occurred during execution: ${error.message}`);
log("LinkedIn Bot execution completed.");
- Press
to start networking.
To stop the script, just refresh the page.
- This script is not officially supported by LinkedIn, so use it responsibly.
- Be mindful of LinkedIn’s daily/weekly connection request limits to avoid detection.
- Adding personalized messages to connection requests can significantly boost acceptance rates.
- Fine-tune sleep timings to mimic human behavior (e.g., randomize delays).
- Target strategically: Narrow your search filters for more relevant connections.
- Manage your pending invites: Clean up unaccepted requests regularly.
- Break sessions into short intervals to avoid triggering spam flags.
This tool is intended for educational purposes only.
By using it, you agree to take full responsibility for any risks, including potential account restrictions.
The creator assumes no liability for misuse.
If you found this project helpful, show your support:
- ⭐ Star this repo to spread the word and support the project!
- Connect with us and follow for more tips, tools, and updates:
- Language Support: Included a language
for broader accessibility. - Improved Key Features Section: Updated the "What This Bot Does" section with a concise, bullet-point breakdown of features, renamed it "Key Features," and highlighted the bot's built-in checks for LinkedIn limits.
- Code Improvements: Updated the script to handle LinkedIn invitation limits gracefully with a clearer logic flow and logging system.
- Pro Tips for Power Users: Expanded actionable advice for maximizing the script's effectiveness and minimizing risks.