This is an assignment for the backend developer intern at DTT. This assignemnt implements the REST API structure on a facility and its tags concepts.
The assignment make use of the BramUS router for its routing. The routing information can be found in
routes/routes.php. It includes all routes or let's say the links of the assignment.
In order to perform any of the CRUD or search feature the It should require a token which is in the link Authorization link. The required Functionality links are(If on localhost):
Authorization : http://localhost/dttsetup/auth
Create : http://localhost/dttsetup/create/
Read : http://localhost/dttsetup/read
Update : http://localhost/dttsetup/update/
Delete : http://localhost/dttsetup/delete/
Search : http://localhost/dttsetup/search/
The query parameters information etc.. are also shared as postman collection. It can be found here. In the shared postman collection there is an additional documentation provided for making use of the API.
The API Code is written purely in php. The all functionalities are stored in entity or class called facility. Here I provide the direct links to the code of all the functionalities
Also the configuration of the Database is set up here