Company name : Nudge Inc.
Group : 23
Christina Song - Student Number: 300168292
Diane Tsang - Student Number: 300196380
Jessica Nguyen - Student Number: 300172232
Mohanad Mohamed - Student Number: 300195077
Nicholas Turbide - Student Number: 300175302
Zakaria Oulli - Student Number: 300203793
Product name : Nudge
Product type : app / website
Product concept : An application that uses google cloud software (or others, TBD) to map out your route and wake you up on arrival to your destination. It also includes other functionalities such as a general GPS or a speedometer.
As mentioned, would use google cloud API for maps and app development tools
- Browser version would use other methods to create the app
Multi purpose locational service app with built in alarm functionality
- Gives you the ability to set your route on the app and will notify you on approach.
- Can be used as a general GPS to give you the recommended routes that will take you to your destination in the fastest and easiest way possible.
- Can wake you up if you dozed off and you're nearing your stop;
- Smart watch compatibility needed
- Would send a small electrical current to wake you up. (Alternative ways TBD)
If allowed by the user, enables data collection as to run a profit off the app
- Selling this data would provide us a way to sustainably update the app without extorting to ads
- Alternative : Ads
- May include in-app purchase to remove ads or to acquire other perks (TBD)
Can be used as a speedometer
- i.e. walking, running, biking, etc.
- Lake data and support is unclear
- i.e. walking, running, biking, etc.