This project is obsolete.
This library provides a CDI injectable resilient executor with a configurable back-off. The executor simplifies calling potentially fragile services without overloading them, as it will retry code execution based on a back-off strategy.
This library implements an Executor as a simple wrapper around the Java EE ManagedScheduledExecutorService. The Executor is a dependent CDI bean and will thus be instantiated in the same scope as the bean it is injected into.
The resilient executor will automatically start a new transaction when executing code using ManagedScheduledExecutorService, further simplifying creating resilient asynchronous code.
Module is considered beta quality.
Add the following Maven dependency to your project:
The resilient executor implements the Executor interface and using the executor is thus similar to using Java EE ManagedScheduledExecutorService:
@Resilient(strategy = PolynomialBackoffStrategy.class)
@PolynomialBackoffStrategyConfig(delay = 1, maxDelay = 1800, retries = 100, timeUnit = TimeUnit.SECONDS)
private ResilientExecutor executor;
executor.execute(() -> {
Customer customer = repository.get(id);
StatusRepresentation status = statusConnector.get(customer.getId());
}, e -> {
LOGGER.error("Error calling service...", e);
Customer customer = repository.get(id);