conda create -n MELC python=3.9
conda activate MELC
conda install pytorch==1.12.1 torchvision==0.13.1 torchaudio==0.12.1 cudatoolkit=11.3 -c pytorch
pip install -r requirements.txt
The deeplab_mobilenetv2.pth and deeplab_xception.pth files in the code are trained on the VOC extended dataset. Remember to adjust the backbone when training and predicting.
- This document uses VOC format for training.
- Pre-processing images and labels by applying and
- Place label files in the SegmentationClass folder under VOC2007 in VOCdevkit.
- Place image files in the JPEGImages folder under VOC2007 in VOCdevkit.
- Generate corresponding txt files using before training.
- In the folder, select the backbone model and downsampling factor you want to use. The backbone models provided are mobilenet and xception. Choose between downsampling factors of 8 and 16. Note that the pretrained model needs to match the backbone model.
- Modify num_classes in to the number of classes +1.
- Run to start training.
- Train according to the training steps.
- In, modify model_path, num_classes, and backbone to match the trained files. model_path corresponds to the weight file in the logs folder, num_classes is the number of classes to predict +1, and backbone is the backbone feature extraction network used.
_defaults = {
# model_path points to the weight file in the logs folder
"model_path" : 'model_data/deeplab_mobilenetv2.pth',
# Number of classes to differentiate +1
"num_classes" : 2,
# Backbone network used
"backbone" : "mobilenet",
# Input image size
"input_shape" : [512, 512],
# Downsampling factor, generally 8 or 16
# Must match the training setting
"downsample_factor" : 16,
# blend parameter controls whether
# to blend the recognition result with the original image
"blend" : True,
# Whether to use Cuda
# Set to False if no GPU is available
"cuda" : True,
- Run, input: img/image_20220321_FOV3.jpg to complete the prediction.
- In, you can set up FPS testing, testing an entire folder, and video detection.
Set num_classes in to the number of predicted classes +1. Set name_classes in to the categories to be distinguished. Run to obtain the mIOU score.