is the empty list.
is a function used to forego evaluation.
For example, (quote (1 2 3 4))
is like saying a list holding 1
, 2
, 3
and 4
prepends an element to a list.
For example, (cons 42 ())
is (42)
Remember, lists are values too!
So, (cons () ())
is (())
returns a list containing all but the first element
so, (tail (quote (1 2 3 4)))
is (2 3 4)
if an empty list is given to tail
an empty list is returned.
returns the first element of a list.
For example, (first (quote (1 2 3 4 5)))
is 1
if an empty list is given to first
an empty list is returned.
is truthy, when given anything that is not a list.
For example, (atom? 42)
is truthy.
It returns the falsey value (aka the empty list), when given a list.
For example, (atom? ())
is falsey.
is truthy, when given two of the same thing.
For example, (eq? 1 1)
is truthy.
Is falsey, when given two different things.
For example, (eq? 42 ())
is falsey.
Performs a by-value compare
so, (eq? (quote (1 2 3)) (quote (1 2 3)))
is truthy.
takes pairs of comparison-result pairs, returning the first truthy one.
For example, (cond () 37 1 42)
evaluates to 42
(since the empty list is falsey)
If no truthy values are given
returns the empty list.
docs are a work in progress :). For more docs ATM, see TestList.hs
Nothing really, at the moment. There are just examples and the results of successful sandboxing.
Get Haskell platform
sudo apt-get install haskell-platform
Build it!
ghc Eloquence.hs -o elo
This generates the elo
executable (the REPL) that can be run with
Ensure HSpec is installed
cabal update && cabal install hspec
Run tests!
runhaskell Test<file>.hs