Allow multiple users to join a chat room with HTTPS and send messages to one another over TCP. First client will be an android app, but will expand to other clients.
- Install Go.
- Make an enviroment variable called GOROOT and set that to the folder you installed go in.
- Make another environment variable called GOPATH and set that to the Messenger folder of this repository.
- Open CMD.
- Move to the "../Messenger/bin" directory in CMD.
- run golang.exe in CMD to start the server.
- Connect your android phone to your computer via USB.
- In file explorer move to "../Messenger/src/golang/crt".
- Copy "root.crt" over onto your phone into a folder you can access from your phone.
- In file explorer move to "../Messenger/src/android/Messenger/app/build/outputs/apk".
- Copy the "app_debug.apk" file on to your phone, into any folder you can access.
- On your phone, find the "root.crt" file and open it to install the certificate.
- Go through the install process for the certificate.
- Once the certificate is installed, find the "app_debug.apk" file on your phone.
- Open the file to install the application, ignore any warnings.
- Make sure the server is running from your PC.
- Open the Application.
(Comming Soon)