This proyect's objective is to help people better keep track of the different diseases they may have. We mainly take into account any kind of hearth disease and diabetes.
- Client Details
- Environment URLS
- Team
- Management resources
- Setup the project
- Running the stack for development
- Stop the project
- Restoring the database
- Debugging
- Running specs
- Checking code for potential issues
Name | Role | |
Dr.José Luis Gonzáles | [email protected] | Product Owner |
Name | Role | |
Rubén Humberto Garza Hernández | [email protected] | Proyect configuration admin & proyect Admin |
Luis Carlos Figueroa Rodríguez | [email protected] | Product Owner Proxy |
Luis Salomón Flores Ugalde | [email protected] | SCRUM Master |
You should ask for access to this tools if you don't have it already:
You need to install Docker Desktop, to do that go to:, create an account and download the software, once it's downloaded install Docker Desktop with the default configuration. Note: to download Docker Desktop you need to create an account with Docker.
After installing please you can follow this simple steps:
- Clone this repository into your local machine
$ git clone [email protected]:ProyectoIntegrador2018/dr_movil.git
- Fire up a terminal and run:
$ docker-compose up -d --build app
- Inside the container you need to create & migrate the database: To get into the bash of the application:
$ docker-compose exec app bash
Then: (optional, depends if you've created the DB before)
% rails db:create
Followed by:
% rails db:migrate
Finally you can seed the db with:
% rails db:seed
- Fire up a terminal and run:
docke-compose up -d --build app
That command will lift every service the app needs, such as the rails app server
and postgres
It may take a while before you see anything, you can follow the logs of the containers with:
$ docker-compose logs
Once you see an output like this:
Removing intermediate container 3b6fe9c6dc59
---> 6758c472bd1a
Step 8/10 : COPY . .
---> ee08267018aa
Step 9/10 : EXPOSE 80
---> Running in 22fa9e3f6cb1
Removing intermediate container 22fa9e3f6cb1
---> 66d86fc07936
Step 10/10 : CMD script/start
---> Running in 9181f129cfcc
Removing intermediate container 9181f129cfcc
---> 1fa3754ac45a
Successfully built 1fa3754ac45a
Successfully tagged dr_movil_app:latest
Creating dr_movil_db_1 ... done
Creating dr_movil_app_1 ... done
This means the project is up and running.
In order to stop crowdfront as a whole you can run:
$ docker-compose stop
This will stop every container, but if you need to stop one in particular, you can specify it like:
$ docker-compose stop app
$ docker-compose stop db
to stop the database
is the service name located on the docker-compose.yml
file, there you can see the services name and stop each of them if you need to.
You probably won't be working with a blank database, so once you are able to run the proyect you can restore the database, to do so you need to start the proyect:
% docker-compose up -d --build app
Go into the bash:
% docker-compose exec app bash
Reset the db:
% rake db:migrate:reset
Then seed the database to put all the pre-coded info back in:
% rake db:seed
We know you love to use debugger
, and who doesn't, and with Docker is a bit tricky, but don't worry, we have you covered.
Just run this line at the terminal and you can start debugging like a pro:
% docker logs dr_movil_app_1
This will display the logs from the rails app.