Matchete is a super simple case-insensitive JavaScript string matcher that can be used to work out if a value fully or partially contains the words in a search string.
npm install --save matchete
Matchete accepts a source string, search string and an optional delimiter. The default delimiter is a single space.
matchete(sourceString, searchString, [delimiter])
matchete('foobar baz boz', 'foo') // true - partial match of the word
matchete('foobar baz boz', 'foobar') // true - full match of the word
matchete('foobar baz boz', 'foo ba') // true - partial match of multiple words
matchete('foobar baz boz', 'foO bA BO') // true - case-insensitive match
matchete('foobar baz boz', 'foo boz ba') // false - incorrect search word order
matchete('foobar_baz_boz', 'fo_ba__boz', '_') // true - using _ as delimiter instead of space
make bootstrap test